


5 years, 4 months ago


Locklyn the rouge






"I think it's a lovely day out. What do you think? I love when you can see the sunlight shining down through the trees. It provides just enough shade and just enough light, and the world is at a perfect balance, and I--" 


Name: Locklyn
Age: 22-28
Gender: Nonbinary (any pronoun / they/ he/ she)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5'10
Build: Lanky 
Race: Half-elf
Occupation: Rouge


  • Talking 
  • Singing
  • Travelling
  • Pick pocketing 


  • Staying in one place for too long
  • Nobility
  • Long silences
  • Materialism


Talkative, Kind, Charming, Deceitful, Peppy, Quirky, Dreamy, Optimistic, Positive

Locklyn is a bit of a contradiction in the sense that they are a rouge who just can't shut up. They like to believe that they are cunning, sneaky, and deceitful, but they lay everything bare pretty easily. Locklyn is an open book and their thoughts are never private, which can sometimes get them into trouble because some of their opinions are controversial within the kingdom. Locklyn isn't a fan of the ruling classes and makes this point very clear; they also aren't a fan of wealth and material possessions because they believe this is what made the nobility corrupt. Having a few nice possessions is fine, but they have seen far too many people who've become obsessed with it.

Despite their controversial opinions, they are very peppy and spirited. They always have a song in their heart to sing and share with the world. They want to believe that things will work out just fine for them.

The talkative rouge

Locklyn is their only name. They do not posses a surname because they are the bastard child of the human Lord Giroldan, who had an affair with an elven woman. While the tensions between elves and humans have dwindled over the years, and there was less judgment that came with the mixing of blood in this day and age, both parties were married, and Locklyn's mother felt ashamed for conceiving Locklyn out of wedlock. Her affair with the lord wasn't supposed to have any repercussions. It was just supposed to be fun. When she found out she was pregnant, she ran off and had Locklyn in secret before handing them off to the fate of the woods, where a a settlement of woodspeople found them and took care of them.

Locklyn is aware of where they come from, and that's one reason why they hate the nobility, for being so carefree and able to get away with anything. They left home when they were old enough, deciding to travel and see the world. Locklyn has a bit of a Robin Hood complex, wanting to take from the rich and give to the poor because of their past.


  • All of their nice clothes were stolen from elites

HTML by lowkeywicked

obtained: 2/29/20