Ezra Kovac



5 years, 3 months ago


Ezra Kovac

"Don't blame me, it's just the truth."
Basic Info

NameEzra Kovac
Age 28
Height 5'11
Weight 75kg
Gender Male [he/him]
Species Dainty
Dictionary # Guest #147
Ear Type Wildcat
Hoof Type Pony
OccupationIndependent Journalist
Orientation Gay
Host | S/O N/A
Design Notes

  • This character is a Dainty, he has hooved digitigrade legs and his stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • Little ear tufts GOOD
  • Not super broad but has decent muscle tone, he's rather athletic
  • Gotta have lil fangies
  • Little circles under his eyes optional

  • Didn’t have any interest in cameras until he was in his early 20s. It started due to work, but has become increasingly more of a hobby too.
  • Publishes things online under an alias he thought of in 2 seconds and has now been using for the better part of a decade. His real name is not difficult to find nowadays
  • Kind of struggled with his sexuality for a while but it's mostly chill now.
  • A very fast runner, played baseball in high school. He is also rather good at jumping and climbing.

Externally, he seems easygoing but quietly confident, and sometimes a bit cocky. While he can be careless, he's actually quite a bit sharper than he lets on. A bit emotionally immature, he can get sulky over seemingly insignificant things and personal insults. Also bad at navigating relationships. He can be brutal in his honesty, and sometimes doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut, but he's also a bit of a coward when he feels there's genuine danger. Known to show off and gloat over athletic achievement.

Struggles with honesty, especially when it comes to emotional matters. He had a therapist as a child, but his issues were never truly resolved. 


  • Video Cameras
  • Action movies, especially those with exciting car chases and good soundtracks
  • Attention
  • Coffee

  • Peppermint


Ezra was born to Darcy Kovac, a young, struggling actress in Hollywood. His father skipped town not long before he was born, but fortunately his mother's career picked up not long after his birth, and only got better throughout his early childhood. When he was 9, his mother was murdered as he slept in his bed, the victim of a string of serial killings. The targets all actresses under the age of 30 with risingly successful careers. The killer was never actually caught as the killings stopped suddenly, and Ezra was sent to live with his father, far from his hometown.

His childhood was relatively uneventful after that, he was generally well-liked in school and was pretty good at athletic pursuits, and not awful at most academics (though he barely scraped by in maths class).

He got into college to study journalism, partially using money inherited from his mother. He started a small news website in his freshman year, mostly reporting on local stories of interest to him, mainly campus gossip and minor crime. His website was mildly successful locally, but didn't have much reach. During this time he grew more and more restless about the circumstances of his mother's death, especially when he learned of rumours which had circulated in the aftermath, that it had been a coverup and the murderer was actually known to many in Hollywood.

Ezra decided he would follow up on the case, and began to investigate, slowly becoming less bound by law in his search for answers. Trespassing was his main offense, but he also recorded anything important, and also occasionally took things when needed. Eventually he began to piece together a conspiracy--he didn't even believe it at first, but the evidence stacked up and he wrote up his findings. 

He chose to self-publish on his website, before sending his evidence to both police and the culprit's bosses anonymously. The story was a storm, whipping up a media frenzy and attention to his site like never before as more publications cited him. Initially it was called into question, but police soon arrested the suspect which threw the story to even greater heights.

The format of the website would change after that. Ezra hired new writers for guest stories, some of whom would eventually become mainstay, and began working on deeper regular stories supplemented with fluff pieces and clickbait. By this point he had long been neglecting his classes in favour of his website, but it had now become large enough that he was making a decent income from ads and licensing. He dropped out of school to make this his full-time job, and has since built a successful media enterprise.

His morals have somewhat dulled in the time he's been working in this field, but there are lines he certainly won't cross. Still, there may be a few things that he'd prefer didn't get out in the open.


Old... Friend?
He met August while he was an undergrad and kind of fell for the guy for a while, but August mostly led him on, amused and perhaps a little charmed by the pathetic crush. August broke his heart at a pretty fragile time, but theyre on seemingly decent terms now. 
Hangs around her office sometimes, and they have shared information on some cases. Both are reluctant to work together, but some things can't be accomplished alone, or at least without key evidence. Possibly sees her as a bit of a motherly figure, though he’d never say it.