August Verhoeven



4 years, 11 months ago


August Verhoeven

"Well, that won't do..."
Basic Info

Name Dr. August W. Verhoeven
Age 33
Height 5'7
Weight 66kg
Gender Male [he/him]
Species Dainty
Dictionary # MYO #2874
Ear Type Cat
Hoof Type Pony
Occupation Geneticist
Orientation Bisexual
S/O Hatcher
Design Notes

  • This character is a Dainty, he has hooved digitigrade legs and his stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • Has a faint scar on his abdomen from an incident when he was a child, and probably several others from other occurances. 
  • Has little fangs.
  • He wears glasses most of the time and owns several pairs, though he does wear contacts in some circumstances.
  • His wardrobe consists of lots of button-down shirts and geometric shapes. 
  • Often wears his hair tied up in a ponytail, especially when working. Sometimes even in a bun.

  • His left leg is inspired by dazzle camouflage used to paint warships in WWI, and OMD's Dazzle Ships album.
  • Though he is not currently licensed, he is legally allowed to call himself "Dr." due to his qualifications.
  • He is quite nearsighted.
  • Any injuries he has received recently seem to heal suspiciously fast... Since just after a failed experiment, actually.....
  • Pinterest Board (warning for mild medical gore and insects/myriapods)
  • Speaks Dutch semi-fluently, picked up from his father (thx dainty language skills)

To most people, August seems relatively benign, if a little bit mean and strange. He's talkative, personable, recovers quickly if he begins to lose his cool, and is also surprisingly good with parents and children. He can also be rather rude and snarky, and has some morbid interests, though these are usually dismissed by others as "quirky". He does easily anger some people, but is careful to give them little actual reason to criticise him. He dislikes being reminded he's already well into his 30s.

In actuality, he is a reprehensible individual. Selfish, amoral, hypocritical, and just all-around a bastard. He has little regard for others, his moral code is unsalvageably skewed, and his beliefs are questionable at best, despicable at worst. He believes daintykind superior to any other sapient species and aims to genetically engineer the greatest possible specimens to catalyse a complete parasitic dainty takeover of the world. In his experimentation, he disregards all ethical concerns, going as far as to use unwilling test subjects, commit body theft and murder, anything required to further his research. He is not very open about his activities, of course, and only a few people are remotely aware of his actions, let alone his reasons behind them.

He is often a bit manic, and has a fiery temper that he has been working on suppressing since it cost him his OBGYN residency (and his Medical Licence for the foreseeable future). In general, he is very hypocritical as he barely fits his own standards at all. He does harbour some self-loathing about the results of his own self-experimentation, but excuses all his other perceived faults. He has slight self-awareness that what he's doing isn't entirely right, but justifies it as "for the greater good".

His beliefs would likely not be so concerning if it weren't for his fierce determination and the fact that he is very secretive about his actions. And also that he may actually have the skills needed to pull off his evil plan. Still, if anyone could gain his trust while being a half-decent person, they could discover and destroy his operation with relative ease, or at least force him into hiding. 

Sometimes he fixates so hard on his projects he fails to stop work for anything but sleep and sustenance, leading to both him and his lab becoming a disaster zone. He is especially interested in studying crossbreed dainties and the incredible adaptive properties of dainty DNA.

It is difficult to tell what August genuinely feels about most things, between his unpredictable moods and general duplicitiousness. He does at least seem to have some genuine fondness for Hatcher, as he will let him get away with things others would be snapped at for. 

His ego is easily bruised and he does not take personal insults or degradation well.


  • When his plans come together
  • Wine
  • Anatomy
  • Feeling wanted
  • The Thrill of Taking a Life

  • Non-dainties
  • Foul moods
  • Bad clients
  • Dogs
  • Feeling old

August was born to fairly normal, comfortably upper-middle-class, dainty parents, his mother a neuroscientist and his father a nurse. A rather morbid, destructive, and scrappy child, he had few friends and would spend most of his time alone. He was also quite bright academically and spent a lot of this time reading, including textbooks he could hardly understand but was entirely fascinated by. After his preteen years, he calmed down significantly and grew more sociable, though he still occasionally got into fights. 

He had entertained the idea of studying to become a doctor for much of his life, and eventually decided to study pre-med genetics after high school. He studied hard, partied hard, and had little time for sleep through his undergrad, and then finally got into a medical degree, which ate up his life for another 4 or so years. After med school, residency. Over halfway into a 4 year OBGYN residency he got into a violent fight with another resident who he had always clashed with, which resulted in his residency, and his future in the field of medicine, being suspended indefinitely.

August wasted little time going back to school and doing a course in the field of genetic counselling, as that was another area of interest for him, but was silently seething about the events that transpired. Eventually this malice, combined with his preexisting prejudices and questionable mental health, developed into a very twisted worldview and August began to scheme.

After finally graduating, he opened his own, tiny genetic counselling clinic and still operates it fairly legitimately by day, but he also conducts horrific experiments and commits atrocities in a private laboratory in the building. 


Maybe August has a real feeling??? They're not 100% official, but August seemingly genuinely cares about Hatcher's wellbeing. Sometimes August insists on going on real dates and spending quality time together, other times he ignores Hatcher for a week but it's chill mostly. At any rate, this is the most stable relationship August has ever had.
August likes Marlon a lot. She does her job competently, never asks questions, and is an upstanding young dainty. She has some interests in common with him, something he was surprised to find out after hiring her, and reminds him a little of his younger self (though that might just be projection). If she were more scientifically inclined he would love to take her as a protege, though he knows as it is she'd never accept his more questionable projects and beliefs.
He knows her through Hatcher. Honestly doesnt have super strong feelings about her but Hatcher likes her and she doesn't snoop around so she's chill.
Old Friend?
Ezra took an interest in him when August was in med school and August entertained Ezra's affections to an extent, but always kept him at a distance. August eventually left him heartbroken, but they seem to be on decent terms now.