


5 years, 4 months ago



"How exciting!"
Basic Info

Name Eclaire
Age 20
Height 5'2" ft
Gender Agender
Species Dainty
Dictionary # Guest Dainty #140
Ear Type Cat-like
Hoof Type Pony
Occupation Assistant
Orientation Pansexual
Host Bonnie
Worth $35
Design Notes

  • This character is a Dainty, they have hooved digitigrade legs and their stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • They have a very androgynous body shape, though they have wide-ish hips.
  • They have fake sprinkles in their hair!
  • Their cowlick shaped like a heart.
  • They have heart shaped pupils.

  • They love sweets with all their heart.
  • Their saliva flavor's sort of like... Meji strawberry chocolate.
  • They have a large collection of plushies to sleep with.
  • Please, they just want someone to cuddle.

They're quite energetic and cheerful. They can't stay onto one subject at a time, and usually rambles about different things in a single sentence. Their behavior is as if they're on a sugar rush all the time. They can also get quite mischevious, and enjoys playfully teasing people and their friends.

Eclaire is a hopeless romantic and dreams to find 'the one'. They're pretty clingy person once they find someone they like. They can get extremely jealous very easily.


  • Sweets
  • Plushies
  • Pillows
  • Sleeping
  • Romance Novels

  • Debbie Downers
  • Being Ignored
  • Being Alone
  • Doing Chores

Eclaire was born into a world were they never really felt accepted in. They were an orphan. They longed a family where they belong in, and all they really had were their friends in the orphanage. Eclaire would rarely have things a regular child would. Stuffed toys, cupcakes, candy, dolls, and things of the sort. So when they do get these things, you sure know they endulged in it.

Their friends would be adopted one by one until they were left pretty much alone. They learned to cope with this by being cheerful, looking into the brighside of their situation. There were always other kids to befriend in the orphanage. They never ended up being adopted.

When they were old enough, they were allowed to either stay and work at the orphanage or go and live their own life outside. Of course, they picked the latter. They knew it was going to be hard but they wanted the freedom. They jumped from one job to another. They were still alone and pretty miserable but they had their massive stuffed toy collection to cheer themself up. They even had a hard time finding companionship because they're either too busy or too clingy.

Eclaire eventually found a stable job at a tavern where they could be an assistant for wicken Trellevois named Bonnie.


Eclaire works for Bonnie as an assistant. They became a lot more close and comfortable towards her the longer they worked for her. At this point, she's like a parental figure.
Eclaire definitely has a crush on Celeste, even if it's forbidden since Bonnie is work rivals with her. They think she's super cool, edgy, and pretty!