


5 years, 4 months ago



Name Goldenpetal
Called Goldie, Goldenpetal
Age 3 years
Gender Female
Clan ThunderClan
Rank Medicine Cat
Origin RiverClan

Goldenpetal is a soft-spoken, playful, and wise she-cat. She was born in RiverClan, but after meeting her mate, Jane, moved to ThunderClan once she became leader. She's very talented in interpreting prophecies, and has a very close connection to StarClan. She's very passionate in her job, and is a strong advocate for the Medicine Cat Code being changed to allow medicine cats to have mates.






Goldenpetal was born in RiverClan to a she-cat struggling with greencough. This she-cat ended up passing away not long after Goldenkit's birth. so she was given to a foster queen named Brightleaf. Goldenkit had a normal kithood, except for her never wanting to leave the medicine cat den. After being a warrior apprentice for a few moons, the RiverClan medicine cat received a sign choosing Goldenpaw to be the next medicine cat. From then on, Goldenpaw began her journey in becoming a medicine cat. She excelled in her role, and earned her full medicine cat name quickly. She has a talent with interpreting messages from StarClan, and has a strong connection with them.

 The Stranger

At first glance, Goldenpetal thought she was imagining things when Jane angrily stomped into the Moonstone cave. There was this beautiful she-cat Goldenpetal had never seen before standing right there in the sacred place for medicine cats, and she looked extrmemly angry! Nonetheless, Goldenpetal tried making small-talk with her, and offered to stay in ThunderClan for a time to help her settle into her new role. She could tell Jane was reluctant, but was delighted when she agreed. The only bump in the road happend a few moons in over the fact that Jane was very outspoken about her disbelief in StarClan, which angered Goldenpetal to no end. No cat could be a medicine cat without StarClan! It got to the point Goldenpetal ran out after an argument, but when Jane came running after her, she was in disbelief when the sassy she-cat apologized and confessed her love for the golden she-cat. From then on, they were nearly inseperable when they didn't have to part ways.


Moons and seasons came and went, and Goldenpetal and Jane had a very strong, healthy relationship. By now, Goldenpetal had fully trained her apprentice and given him his full name. Though, when Jane ran over to RiverClan in a panic explaining to Goldenpetal that she was now the leader of ThunderClan out of nowhere, Goldenpetal didn't hesitate to move to ThunderClan and help her beloved. She officially became the medicine cat of ThunderClan, and while many were against their relationship, her and Jane managed to make their love work.




Character  [ relationship ]

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Character  [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


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