


5 years, 4 months ago



Name Sarah
Age 10 years
Build Petite
Species Crita(Mutated)
Gender Female
Occupation Child
Role Hope/Motivator
Designer Fallendownut
Worth Everything
Theme Song

Design Notes

  • Hair is pure white
  • Skin is ashy grey
  • Skull somehow always looks like it’s smiling
  • No shoes
  • Literally wearing rags

Sarah is the child of the new king of the remaining Crita. She has yet to fully understand the darkness around her, so she instead shines through, giving her father the hope he needs to continue to find a cure for their ailment.  She is just a child that loves to play and is excited about each new thing. She doesn’t know the lengths her father goes through to keep her alive and happy.


  • She loves to explore, but the limited cave space of the castle makes things boring at times. She tries to use her imagination to keep things interesting.
  • The Skull is surprisingly not a mask, instead, much like a helmet, a shell that snaps shut for protection. She mostly uses it to hide her face, only opening it to eat and to greet her father.
  • Her dress was poorly stitched together by her father and then restitched by one of his council members. He tried really hard though, so it’s Sarah’s favorite thing to wear.
  • The necklace she’s wearing used to be her mother’s. Her dad doesn’t like to talk about her absence, but he always tells her stories about how much of a great warrior she was.

When she was first conceived, her parents feared that she wouldn’t survive. It would be the first time a child would be born to their mutated species. Fearing attack if the other nations found out, the king decided to keep the child within the the main tunnels that made up the castle hive. Her mother, knowing that there wouldn’t be enough Lavi for another mouth, stopped eating and fell on her sword before she could become another mindless monster.

That is what happens to all Mutations that do not feed on life forces regularly. They lose their humanity. It is a sacrifice they are cursed to make. To keep balance and whatever peace their species had with the other nations of the world, the Mutated Crita were forced to starve themselves and turn to their most primal instincts that seeks after the Lavi, the Life of other creatures. It was a brutal process from those who had turned feral, but from those who kept their sanity with regular meals, they are sure to make it quick and painless. Their diet mostly consists of plants, with trees having the most Lavi, but there is nothing quite like a living, breathing life. It makes them feel fuller and keeps the hunger away longer. Up to a week at best.

When Sarah was younger, it was quickly discovered that she required more Lavi than the others. She often had fits that caused more than one person to be bitten and her body changed from the more normal form that she used to have, causing her face to become warped and for an animal-like skull to grow over it. Small spikes had also began to grow on her back and arms, but her diet was swiftly changed to stop it from getting worse. It was a painful process that she thankfully doesn’t remember, but the others have her screaming form seared clearly into their brains. It took a lot of adjustments, but they finally got the amount right to where she was properly fed and no Lavi was wasted more than necessary. It was a scarce resource after all.

Sarah eventually grew up to who she is now, a happy, upbeat child without a care in the world. She loves to play with her father’s council members and often finds herself in places she isn’t supposed to be, like the dungeons and the castle’s upper cave dwellings. She loves to explore and feels a little trapped in the limited areas she’s allowed to be, but for the most part she does what her Father says to keep him happy. She can tell when he’s getting too stressed and tries to cheer him up.

The king does so much that he doesn’t want Sarah to know. He wants to keep her protected from the horrors of their reality as long as possible. She’s never seen the surface, never seen the moon, the stars, only ever interacting with the fast growing vines in the underground garden and whatever critters have miraculously survived the trek past the dead and dying landscape into the caverns. She doesn’t know anyone aside from himself an the council members, being kept clearly away from the other subjects, and she doesn’t even know what proper food is. All sh knows is that she has to take the vial of glowing liquid her father brings every day in order to keep her throbbing headaches at bay.


”Dad, will I ever go outside?”

”Someday, my dear. You’re going to see everything.”


  • Exploring
  • Talking and playing with her dad
  • Playing with the council members
  • Challenging herself to make the highest rock pile.

  • Being Bored
  • Busy Father
  • Sad Dad
  • Busy Council
  • ”Why does no one want to see my rock pile?!”
  • ”Please I worked really hard on it.” :'(

Crita King | Papa

The best dad ever and he tries really hard, so Sarah will try really hard too! She just wishes he made more time to play.

Council | Cool Friends

They like to play games with her! Especially the dark one! Hide and seek is their favorite game.