


5 years, 4 months ago



Name Charybdis
Rider Molli Sinsipid
Age 50
Gender Male
Breed Water
Rank Wingrider
Alignment Sekkaian
ParentsWater Naga x Earth Cthonic 

140ft long - 15ft at the withers


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Absolute bastard. Rude sleezebag, the polar opposite of his rider, loves to ruin her reputation, sits around shoveling food into his mouth the entire time he's off-duty, will interrupt literally every conversation just to be condescending.


Bonded to Molli when she was 16, forcing her to quit the infantry and join the aerial corps etc etc

war - current

Surprisingly competent in warfare due to his large size an sharp eye. Mainly patrolled the South-East coast until the midland battles. Survived the sacking of the Academy and went awol, kidnapping Molli for a hellish period of vigilantism and double-dealing, came back to the Sekkaian army when they had regrouped enough to attack the Desolation, silenced Molli under duress, won accolades in the defeat of Erebus, came back to the Empire as a "hero" and has been resting on his laurels.

Declared loyalists to Empress Kahna after the assassination of Celestial Kyuuen, fought as a part of her military police during the Fractured Coup, remained in Lihn after her murder to try and reinstate order to the city. 



Molli  [ rider]

60 years old, appears younger due to delayed aging, heavily lined face, short-cropped and curly ginger hair, stiff and regimented, extremely stressed out, stays in her military uniform most of the time. Can't stand her dragon but can't stand up to him either, considering he's over a hundred feet long.


Psamanthe  [ daughter]

Psamanthe is a relaxed and good-natured Forest dragon who takes after her father's element, being physically adapted to an aquatic habitat. Bonded to an Assarian lad who had come as an emissary of his village. Not much of a fighter. Trained in healing and took up a position on the Southern coast. 


Anemone  [ daughter]

Psamanthe's sister is an absolute livewire. Another Forest like their mother, Hellebore, she's a twiggy, frond-covered beast who lives up to their breed's speedy reputation. 

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