


5 years, 7 months ago


((Child is being rped as an adult, since the times would match up better in our story!))

Male (?)

He/Him, They/Them, It, Child


Child is an oblivious, frightened, ignorant, yet hopeful little boa with no knowledge of the real outside world. Ever since hatching day, he was locked away in a carnival chest by his father, Carney, and was told that it was the best thing to "keep him safe". Child grew up believing every word that Carney told him, as he had no other reason to believe otherwise. For years upon years, Child was locked in the box, only being allowed to leave it for bathroom breaks, and whenever Carney wanted "bonding moments" (these are whenever Carney needs someone to let his anger and mental frustrations out to). Child, having never gone to school, or being taught properly, is mentally stunted, as he still thinks very child-like, and has the mental capability of an older fledgling (probably 6-11). He has also grown up to be physically stunted, as well, as being locked in a box for his whole life, with little nourishment has left him small, and still roughly the size of a large fledgling.
Child is curious of the outside world that Carney describes to him, but he is also fearful of it, as Carney has also told him that every real boa in the Terror Scape was an impostor, and that the true version of everyone, other than the two of them, were all dead. Child is also interested in the concept of light, as he has really only ever been in contact with it through a small little hole in the chest lid. The light hurts his eyes, but he wants to know what it looks like, since he believes that it must be a boa that glows in the dark, just like him; only that this boa must glow very brightly.  
Whenever Child is allowed out of his chest at night, Carney follows him everywhere, to make sure that nothing happens to him. Child thinks nothing of this, as he's grown up with Carney helicoptering him his entire life. Child doesn't feel a need to be independent from his father, as his father is the only friend he knows; but Child does wish that he could explore what's beyond the tattered gates of the empty carnival grounds. He wants to see what other boas look like, even if they might be evil clones; but, at the same time, Child would rather be safe with his father, and not risk leaving him alone, like how Carney repeatedly begs him not to do.
One worrying thing about Child that Carney has noticed ever since he was a new fledgling, is that Child seems to be a sadist of some sort. Child has always found it "fun" to watch little animals die whenever he was given them for a meal. As he got older, he began to ask more and more for his father to give him little rats alive so that Child could kill them himself before he ate them.

- As he grew up in the carnival chest, Child's body began to adapt to the dark, damp conditions that he was constantly exposed to. His feathers would glow wild colors, unlike the ones he was born with, and he stood out like a beacon in the night whenever he left his box to use the bathroom. This deeply worried Carney at first, but he later used this to his advantage to be able to see where his child was in the dark.

- Child has never tasted any food other than small bird eggs, baby rats, and animal crackers. His father has told him of ice cream, before, and he's been dreaming about what it could possibly taste like ever since. 

- Child found a shiny, diamond dagger while he went out to use the restroom one night; he's been using it to cut open the little rats he's given, so he can look at their insides.

- Child calls his tail "Button". He doesn't really have a reasoning other then his tail seems to like the word button. He refers to Button by female pronouns (she/her, they/them). Child doesn't outwardly count Button as his friend, since Carney says that friends are never good, unless they're him; but Child does enjoy having Button to talk to when he gets bored while being locked up in the chest.