delbine mreena (02. relationships)



 ▶ r e l a t i o n s h i p s 

io - her creator

delbine adores io. she sees her as her mother and she’s very grateful for being created. she is quick to do anything that io asks of her and help if io needs it. she respects io immensely.


hesperos - her friend

originally delbine was scared of hesperos because he is so much bigger than she is and has a sharp beak. but he showed her that he was just a sweetheart with no intent to hurt her.


bean - her friend

Delbine loves bean and is very eager to be around her. She loves cuddling with her and riding on her back. Delbine would protect bean in an instant.


adelia corduroy - dislikes

Delbine can tell that adelia makes Io and Hesperos upset. She oesn’t like her on that fact alone


chelis - scary

Delbine usually doesn’t mind spiders but… chelis is really creepy and big.