


5 years, 4 months ago



Full Name: (if you guessย it you get free sex) She hasn't told anyone since she was six

Nicknames: Sugar, flower, dancing skank, slut, blooming flower

Age: 19

DOB: September 16

Gender: Female


House: Wanderer

A dancer and prostitute, part of the traveling/permanent fair.

Physical Appearance

Hair: Dark brown/Black

Eyes: Yellow

Skin: light brown

Markings: Left inner thigh a flower tattoo

Height: 5' 3


Personality description: Manipulative, sly, caring, reckless, loyal to a fault (if you are on her good side), strong, a great dancer, loud.

Likes: Flower, traveling, crystals, animals, children, sex, people, learning

Dislikes: People who get to rough/handsy

Fears: She will get pregnant, she will become poor, that people will know her real name

Ambitions: To have sex with any one that will let her, to dance through the heart of everyone who comes into contact with her, to raise a goat (she has weird reasons)

Hobbies: Dancing, sex, collecting odd objects, learning about peoples lives

Since she was a child she has been on the road, born to a drunk yard of a father and a mother who didn't care if she were alive or dead Sugar as she is known has been dancing and sleeping around with anyone to make sure she survives. She steals and manipulates but also is caring for anyone who she is close to, she enjoys learning anything she can about those who are around her.ย 

Allergies consist of: pecans and some fish


Relationship status:

โค๏ธ = married

๐Ÿงก = engaged to be married

๐Ÿ’› = in a relationship with

๐Ÿ’š = crushing on/interested in

๐Ÿ’” = unrequited feelings from either party

๐Ÿ’™ = a purely sexual relationship (anyone she can get her hands on XD)

๐Ÿ–‡ = allies

๐ŸŽŽ = friends

๐ŸŽ = close friends

โš”๏ธ = best friends

๐Ÿ›  = sibling

โš™๏ธ = parents

๐Ÿ•ฏ = other sort of relation

๐Ÿ—‘ = dislikes

๐Ÿ—ฟ = fears

๐ŸŽญ = hates

๐Ÿน = wants dead

๐Ÿ“ = respects

๐Ÿคก = enjoys the company of

๐ŸŽ€ = wants to be friends with

๐Ÿ–ผ = intrigued by

๐Ÿ— = finds attractive

๐ŸŒก = broken relatonship (be it familial, friendly, or romantically)

๐Ÿ”ฎ = unsure about


A fellow prostetute, lovely person. A mutual respect for one another, I like her and I hope she likes me. We even enjoy working a little extra together for those who pay extra. KibaRoarkย 

(please note !! everything below this point is optional)
Ideal lover: Anyone who can give her a good time
Outlook on life:
Quote they live by: If you breath, and are a good age I will be sure to see you in my cart.