


5 years, 4 months ago



Full Name: Avdima Lorene Porter (Avdima means Destruction/loss)

Nicknames: (mistake unwanted) -mother, Blair calls her: Av, Avi, Lorene. 

Age: 28

DOB: june 1st

Gender: female

House: Lapsley

Rank: Handmaiden

Physical Appearance

Hair: red


Skin: almond

Markings: scar on her face and arms, both given by her mother who disliked and did not want her

Height: 5' 6


Personality description: Shy, quiet, severely afraid of the dark, kind to those she likes, holds grudges easily. Plans on find and killing the man who is her father. Ambition in the way of doing so. She desperately wants to learn, ill thought out plans, big headed. Will do anything for Blair, does as she asks and helps her get out at night so she will not be caught. Self conscious after her mother told her she was not worth the life she had been given. Superstitious just as Blair.

Likes: Blair, the house she lives in, her friends, food, and animals

Dislikes: Her family, children (the little brats always seem to get in the way), chocolate/sweets

Fears: That her mothers ghost will haunt her, knives, watching people die or be harmed

Ambitions: To become a higher rank or to marry someone of a high rank

Hobbies: Sewing, helping Blair, cleaning, learning to read and write 


Relationship status:

(the following emojis are code for your characters relationships with others. i will include an example of how to go about it)

❤️ = married

🧡 = engaged to be married

💛 = in a relationship with

💚 = crushing on/interested in

💔 = unrequited feelings from either party

💙 = a purely sexual relationship

🖇 = allies

🎎 = friends

Blair, she is kind to me and allows me to do as I need to help her. I cover for her when she goes out late at night.

🎏 = close friends

⚔️ = best friends

🛠 = sibling not that she is aware of 

⚙️ = parents Mother is dead father is a wanderer

🕯 = other sort of relation

🗑 = dislikes

🗿 = fears Her mothers ghost, dying and confronting her mother

🎭 = hates

🏹 = wants dead 

her father who raped her mother making her a bastard birth

📝 = respects

🤡 = enjoys the company of

🎀 = wants to be friends with

🖼 = intrigued by

🗝 = finds attractive

🌡 = broken relatonship (be it familial, friendly, or romantically) A man she once met, had been loved however they fell apart

🔮 = unsure about