♦ Leon



5 years, 3 months ago


Leon Castillo

"... ..."

Age 20

Gender Male

Status Single

Orientation Homosexual

Original Price Personal Design

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Has stopped speaking much ever since God's punishment happened. Not known why, but it is speculated that it's his way of punishing himself for trying to avenge his sister's death even though he knew she wouldn't want him to. He chews gums to keep his mouth occupied. If he ever needs to reply, he keeps it to at most 5 words, thus making him quite difficult to understand but honestly, he doesn't give a crap whether you understand him or not.

Often seen with a digital camera, taking pictures of the scenery. After it is developed, he would paste it into a scrapbook with his writings of what he have seen and experienced. All of it is done so he could share it with his sister someday when they are united again.


DoB: 19 September Species: Forget-Me-Not Angel
Height: 183cm Build: Skinny
Origin: Unknown Occupation: None
Demeanor: Indifferent Alignment: True Neutral

✦ Hides Emotions ✦ Lost in Thoughts ✦ Silent ✦ Pessimistic ✦ Worrywart ✦

Things To Note

  • Both of his wings need to be drawn with at least red tips if you don't want to draw it with dripping blood.
  • His flowers are Azalea.
  • Has a mole under his left eye.
  • Doesn't smile at all.
  • Left fringe is longer than the right.



Leon was never one to open up to others, not even to his own family, but this has been a long time coming and he's been finding it tougher and tougher to keep it all locked up inside. The first one he told was to his younger sister. His younger sister, J, was one of the most open minded person he have ever known. J has always supported him no matter what, thus he told her that he was homosexual when he was ready. J readily accepted him, and told him that that's great and that no matter what others say or thought she'll always have his back. Even after coming out of the closet, J treated him the same, treated him normal. Leon would never show it on his face, but he loved this little sister of his a lot and would do anything for her, and J was the same. When his parents opposed him for being gay, J was the only one who stood up for him. That day, J held onto him the whole time while consoling him as they both cried together. Soon after, Leon moved out but J would not let him go alone. J moved in with Leon and occasionally dragged him home as as she says, they may not come to terms with your homosexuality but no matter what you have to show your face from time to time since you're still their son. Of course if they ever touch the topic of them not accepting Leon's sexuality, J would immediately bring Leon out of there without a word.

The very same J is now crying for help beside him. Why? Why can't I move right now? J is suffering in front of me but I can't even protect her. Stop!! Don't touch her! These were Leon's final thoughts as his vision slowly faded to black, his blood spreading and staining the carpet more and more. ...who knows how much time had passed, Leon awoke amidst these blood stained floors. Where's J?! was Leon's first thoughts as he runs around the house looking for her. And then he found her, bloodied.. tear-stained.. brutally beaten because she fought back with all her might. His baby sister J, who had been killed by this burglar. How dare he? HOW DARE HE? Even though Leon knows he shouldn't, he's going to torture these filthy murderer for revenge. How dare he kill J? J had a bright future, J is not meant to be defiled and ended by the likes of him! It's fine if Leon was the only one to die, he was planning to commit suicide anyways! But not J. I remember your looks. You better brace yourself for I am coming for you!

Even though he didn't manage to murder the burglar who killed both his sister and him, as Leon had tortured the soul instead of waiting for God to pass on punishment for him, Leon was still punished in the end. While enduring the pain of getting his feathers plucked one by one out of one of his wings, Leon just showed indifference. All he thought was that he wishes he could have killed the murderer.. but he know J would've never wanted that. J who fought valiantly till the end, this J would never wanted him to conduct this revenge for her. The reason why he stopped and came to God was because he felt like he could hear J asking him to stop and to come before God and repent. After his punishment, Leon gave up his idea of revenge any longer. Instead, he tried to go on a journey over the world especially the places J wanted to go, bringing with him a camera to detail all of his journey so he could bring it and show it to J someday.



[ Friend? Acquaintance? ]

Leon started a conversation with Mino only because he reminded him too much of himself. Who knew that he would start following him around, but well it wasn't a bad experience. Whenever he takes picture or place pictures into his scrapbook, Mino would just quietly watch him do it. When Mino felt overwhelmed, he'd always ask Leon if it was okay to talk about it. He would give advice whenever he could, trying to help Mino recover from his pain, and it helped. When Mino has recovered enough, he ownself told Leon that he will now take on the role of a counselor for other FMNs that was like him. Leon trusts in Mino to do the job right, and only told him to come to him if he has problems again. They parted in a good note.