Elodie Mayhew



5 years, 4 months ago


Birt's childhood friend and love interest, she is rather naive about the world due to being kept in isolation and a drug-induced stupor for over a decade by a religious cult. She tends to see the best in people to a fault, even considering her past experiences. 

Other random facts ->

- She sounds a bit like Oliva Newton-John with a stronger accent? The Aussie accent has us having an upward inflection at the end of a sentence and Elodie's is particularly pronounced.

- The tip of her tail is paler, as she is somewhat based on the Rakali -> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakali

- Her obliviousness is to the point where she often won't show fear in situations where it would be normal, or her reaction is somewhat delayed.

- In general, nature fascinates her, as she was confined indoors for so many years.

- Bibi is not her first child, but the only one she has been able to keep, hence her protectiveness over her.