


5 years, 3 months ago


Name: Desmond

Age: 30-something

Gender: cis male

Sexuality: homosexual

Ethnicity: African-American

Occupation: law student

Desmond is a student of Harvale Law, and a rising star in his class. He is fully capable, fiercely independent, and a force to be rekoned with in the courtroom. His colleagues say that he could make a jury think black is white. Collected, calculating, and able to think on his feet, Desmond is firm but fair. He has a soft spot for children.

At the age of ten, his parents “got in a car accident” and “died”. Even at such a young age, Desmond knew this wasn’t the case. He is unaware of their whereabouts, or what happened to them, but he still looks for them today. In said “car accident”, multiple grafts of skin on Desmond’s body had to be replaced because of unknown magical damage. His entire right arm and chunks of his right leg had to be fully replaced. His legal guardian at the time, his alternate medicine-practicing grandfather, replaced the damaged skin with fabric. The operation was a success, and Desmond is partly filled with stitches and stuffing.

Known as the courtroom teddy bear, Desmond refuses to relent in anything. But of course, paying for law school is difficult,so he had to pick up a job. He got one at a convenience store, the same one which Toast works at.

The two bond over their experiences with mysterious phenomena, and eventually fall in love.

Relationships: served as a lawyer to Pippi (they are pretty attached to him. He bails them out even thouh he is usually an ethical person.) Toast’s co-worker and future boyfriend, coworkers with Batsu.