Brie πŸ›πŸŽπŸ“š



5 years, 4 months ago


Β  Name
Brianna Bookmark
Β  Called
Β  Gender
cisfemale (she/her)
Β  Age
Β  Birthday
January 27
Β  Kind
Β  Species
Β  Race
Β  Talent
Β  Occupation
"bookworm" & historian
Β  Location
White Tail Woods, Equestria
Β  Orientation
Β  Relationship
dating Faery Ring
Β  Fandom
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Hasbro)
Β  Theme
Β  Trade Status
offers entertained
Β  Last Updated
June 12, 2024
Scroll (Widescreen) by Pinky ft. heavy tailoring by maizzey



Brianna is an overly chipper but oblivious unicorn, travelling across Equestria often in search of new historic literature or art. When you think of a "book worm", I think it's most common to think of someone who is quiet, introverted, or perhaps even overly serious... but Brie challenges that definition by being obnoxiously talkative, typically unable to resist roping any innocent passersby into her current thoughts. Of course, plenty of people like Brie, and she is very nice. It's just that her interests don't typically align with others.


She's an interesting case of "spur of the moment purchase" turned "main character" for me, as I originally bought Brie because she had an impressive gallery at a lower cost. The truth is, yellow & blonde colors don't typically speak to me as much and I don't usually like working with them when I draw... but honestly, Brie is so overwhelmingly charming, I think she's a bit of a fan favorite! She seems to really draw other people's attention in the fandom, and her design is so simple yet still unique and cute. I really love her & I sure am glad for my silly impulsive decision to buy her :)





Brie, of course, is an MLP:FiM fan character, which means I appreciate her being drawn in that style... but she is certainly open to other interpretations & styles. Overall, she's a very happy and chatty character, so I love seeing her presented that way. However, she does have a focused and thoughtful side to her, often when she's observing literature like a book or scroll! Accents of green & red fit her perfectly, and I associate her a lot with red apples as well.


  • Rarely uses her magic, as she forgets she has the ability often
  • Always wearing glasses, or else she's blind!
  • Her apple hair clip is optional, but I prefer she always wear the green, leaf-shaped tail bow
  • She is about a half-head shorter than the average mare, but besides this fits the generic mare body type in MLP:FiM showstyle

Content Permissions

You may draw this character! As long as you follow a current reference above and the information below.

Please do not draw this character without my explicit permission.

Heavy NSFW
Light NSFW
Heavy Gore
Light Gore
Vent Art
With Others (romantic)
Faery only
With Others (platonic)
With Others (antagonistic)
New Forms
New Accessories/Clothing
Design Alterations
Highly Stylized


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


  • Extrovert: It won't take long to realize Brie gets her energy from being around others. She enjoys traveling, crowds, and meeting new people; she sees it as an opportunity to talk about her passions!
  • Workaholic: Brie does what she loves... which is good, since she never stops. She spends pretty much every single day focused on studying and it's extremely hard to convince her that something else is worth doing. She's trying to get better at "free time" though.
  • Know-it-all: She'll take any chance to interject with a fact about history or why something is the way it is... which is usually not wanted, especially in a casual conversation. She isn't trying to show off, but rather continue the conversation in a way she knows how... although many don't take it well.
  • Oblivious: While she's extremely smart, her knowledge is specialized and she has a narrow focus. She tends not to notice things that are very obvious to others, especially physical appearances. She isn't good at "reading the room".
  • Snobby/picky: Ah... She hasn't lose her Canterlot roots, don't worry! While Brie is generally well-meaning, she's very particular about things have to be done or arranged. This especially applies to her personal collections or the kinds of food she'll eat.
  • Impulsive spender: As one might think, Brie spends a lot to collect these historical artifacts. Luckily, neither her or her girlfriend, Faery, care too much about money, and it doesn't really stress them out to be broke... Still, Brie could exercise more discipline in her spending habits.


  • honeycrisp apples
  • art museums
  • working late
  • coffee
  • quilts


  • rain, puddles, spills, or anything wet
  • dust, especially on her collectibles
  • long hair (on herself)
  • bird chirps in the morning
  • sugary foods

Hobbies, Abilities, & Quirks

  • Can work for extended periods of time on no sleep
  • Overwhelming stamina, travels long distances on hoof quite often with seemingly no issue
  • Strong magical abilities, though she rarely uses them
  • Of course, she maintains a decent collection of historical artifacts; such as decorated scrolls & art pieces
  • Abstract doodler when lost in thought
  • Strong public speaker & great teacher, when in an appropriate place & not infodumping on the person next to her

Ask Me a Question


Sed ultrices ipsum nec tincidunt ullamcorper. Mauris consequat maximus molestie.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sit amet elit vehicula, euismod orci ut, rutrum libero. Cras neque nisi, pretium in tincidunt vitae, consectetur ac nunc. Nullam a pellentesque nunc, at malesuada arcu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sit amet elit vehicula, euismod orci ut, rutrum libero. Cras neque nisi, pretium in tincidunt vitae, consectetur ac nunc. Nullam a pellentesque nunc, at malesuada arcu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sit amet elit vehicula, euismod orci ut, rutrum libero. Cras neque nisi, pretium in tincidunt vitae, consectetur ac nunc. Nullam a pellentesque nunc, at malesuada arcu.

Pellentesque in eros facilisis, porttitor justo non, porta ligula. Aliquam auctor ornare orci, consequat venenatis velit dictum non. Maecenas efficitur, orci quis rhoncus laoreet, nisl nunc aliquet diam, eget accumsan felis augue quis magna.

Click on a question below to "ask".





Brie, most unexpectedly, can be found in White Tail Woods of all places. The reason is a compromise with her girlfriend, Faery Ring, who herself is a "wild pony" that has never lived within a civilized area and isn't comfortable leaving the woods. Brie is alright with it on a superficial level, because she doesn't mind her surroundings as long as she can still immerse herself in the history & art that she loves... but having been here awhile, she sure does miss the noise of the city. From Canterlot to White Tail Woods is quite a jump, after all. However, here Brie has very slowly been more open to her artistic side. She finds her girlfriend's interest in nature inspiring, and Brie herself has even tried to begin writing her own books... but these projects largely go unfinished, because Brie is constantly off to travel to nearby cities. She loves donating to libraries and museums, as well as maintaining her own collection of artifacts. She's especially a fan of old, decorated scrolls regardless of their content or readability, seeing them more as an art than anything else.



Brianna Bookmark was a playful chatterbox as a filly, constantly rattling off about anything new she had learned. While her tendency to overspeak left something to be desired, overall she was praised for her intelligence. She attended Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, but she soon found her passion was in history & literature more than it was in strengthening her magic abilities. Thus, a life-long obsession with historical literature & artifacts began! She was an only child and very doted on by her parents, so her home life was very happy. She's a bit of a spoiled brat to be entirely honest, but she has a good heart & mind that usually make up for it.



One thing is for sure, her future is very bright. Brie is absolutely a go-getter, and her enthusiam has really paid off in life. With her supreme education lifting her pretty high already, it's hard to see her going anywhere but up. Only one pesky problem... burnout! Her busybody lifestyle is definitely going to catch up to her eventually.

Ideally, she learns how to settle and enjoy relax time before it gets to that point. There's potential that Brie will begin to embrace her passion for writing, and begin to write storybooks. Or perhaps she'll take a page out of her girlfriend's book, and begin documenting wild flowers with her... I can see Brie begin to be more involved with schools and teaching foals later in her life, as well. I think secretly she could really relate to children & find inspiration in their creativity, but she hasn't realized it yet.


  • She's probably autistic, but she doesn't really know that herself
  • The fact she has a plush of her own cutiemark is something I haven't quite explained yet, I just figure maybe a family member made it for her or something lol
  • Definitely wears a really expensive apple-scented perfume



Faery Ring

on-site off-site in story/text only
partner (romantic)

Somehow, Brie's excitable & talkative nature manages to pair well with the quiet & introverted Faery. While they aren't the type to be overly affectionate, especially under the gaze of others, they care for each other more than anything. They're partners in life, through thick & thin. Faery is a good influence on Brie, attempting to help Brie take more free time instead of studying so much. Brie is often inspired by Faery, and has found botany & rural life more interesting as of late.



on-site off-site in story/text only

It's no surprise that Brie tends to find others highly educated in niche fields, given her extroverted nature & tendency to travel often. Ilumanita caught Brie's interested because as a mycologist, she knows a lot about things Faery might think are interesting... In the pursuit of knowledge that might delight her own girlfriend, Brie will finally listen to someone else for a change. Well, at least for a little bit, that is. Unfortunately, the true science behind flora tends to go over Faery's head a bit, but Brie is determined to understand more about all this nature stuff through Ilumanita.


Hickory Nut

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So far, Brie has only really heard of Hickory, through Faery; and, well, Faery isn't very talkative, so Brie doesn't know much about Hickory... but she's sure glad Faery has someone to talk to, and any friend of Faery is a friend of Brie's! It probably takes all of them a comically long time to realize that Ilumanita & Hickory are dating, while conversely it takes those two a long time to realize Brie & Faery are also dating. Horse lesbians, yippee!!!


Hollie Hobby

on-site off-site in story/text only

Miss Hollie, as Brie would know her, was one of Brie's teachers as a filly. She taught arts & crafts and is a fond memory for Brie. While they don't necessarily keep in touch, they'll exchange idle chit-chat if they ever spot each other in Canterlot. I imagine in the future, Hollie will be the one to open Brie's eyes to working with foals, and perhaps invite her to be a guest speaker in a class or something.
