Qoris Aptekov



5 years, 4 months ago



====•• Basic Information ••====


Name: Qoris Aptekov

Nickname(s): N/A

Gender: Female

Species: Mink

Alignment: Good

Morals: True Neutral 

Nationality: - Rukanian ( Russian inspired)

Birthplace: Rukanik

Current Residence: Iken estate

Theme Song: N/A

Voice Actor: N/A 


===•• Physical Information ••===


Fur: Yellow, (sunflower color with cream mix)

Skin: pink

Hair: -Sunflower color with cream mix)

Eyes: Amber brown 

Muzzle: white 

Height: Mobian- 4ft-2in

Weight: 40kg

Date of Birth: March 19th

Life status: Alive

Current Age: 21

Body Structure: Tall, slightly busty

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Relationship : ( taken) Vert 


===•• Physical Information ( Maskerin form)  ••===


Fur: pale grey, black detailed marks

Skin: White, hardened 

Hair: pale grey black marks. 

Eyes: Amber brown 

Muzzle: white ( eye marked features on each cheek) 

Height: 5ft-2in

Weight: 38kg

Family: Essie (younger sister) 

Likes: Training/ includes fencing and rifle shooting, biathlon, readings and autobiographies of a woman's political struggle. translating hieroglyphic relics and star constellations. Theatrical ballet, Vodka, the triplets, etiquette  Foxgloves and orchids, Antiques.

Dislikes: Her maskerin ability, Ronans methods and trust in cayryn. Artificial flowers, Candy, knitting, disobedience, faulty form in training, loved ones getting hurt or dying. treated lower then her status.

Personality: Strict and very mannerly she was raised in a very wealthy and obedient estate, where she was told to walk with a straight back, act maturely and politely with her associates and to respect others as she wished to be respected. She often tends to give the cold shoulder and is reserved at times even towards the triplets she took under her wing once they were rescued from the ritual they were forced through. Despite sometimes being in discordance with their tactics she has a soft side that comes out rarely every once in a while when she feels She can mingle with others. She bears a lack of social talent and humor and finds it difficult to adapt to others when it comes to jokes or anecdotes.  However Intelligent, She is a born leader who is able to use the stars constellations for tracking down nearby towns or remote areas at night. it takes an impressive discussion for her to agree to a plan or idea if its developed properly. 

Relationship with 

Leon Lanth and Levi. Qoris took them in after their rampage in Sandonia town. She stopped the with Calming words instead of fighting like Solar and Radon did and eventually they were coaxed into their form breaking apart. She decided she would help them fix their connection with one another until they were able to help themselves. She is often motherly to Leon and strict to Levi and Lanth but she keeps her responsibility to them as civil and knows she can't push Lanth as often even though he does get on her nerves the most.  but he does try his best to impress her when he can and often feels like he fails at that and so results into getting in trouble when he feels lost or irritated. Leon's mood usually brightens up the place the most so it keeps Qoris at a peace but worries if its just from naivety or he is purely innocent to the what is around.

Barely close Essie is Qoris's 18 year old sister with a wild  and vivid personality that clashes against Qoris's strict and upright demeanor,. Too young to be raised in the same situation Qoris was in. Essie was spoiled more then Qoris, getting gifts and better treatment which left a dry taste in the older sisters mouth at the time. As both sisters got older, Qoris Rapidly matured often finding her frustrations and dislikes coming from Essie's Frequent ability to ask for favors and updates on her travels with the dancing circus she had joined. Qoris finds that her going through all the training was a way to keep her independent whereas Essie become too dependent which in turn annoys Qoris to a certain extent. A trend in their relationship is Qoris's  dislike with mainly everything Essie does but also a strong admiration for her sister, becoming her own person later on. 

Solar- they both have a  respectful student teacher friendship. Qoris Finds Solar's adolescent development just as confusing as her sisters to the point she will often Try to pull solar in for psychological sessions that solar awkwardly stays away from. Solar's growth under Krimson's care impresses her , from the home studies to the etiquette, Solar growth sparks her curiosity to whether she is aiming towards her final transition or not. time and time again Solar finds Qoris as the best person to help stabilize her emotions and mentality so she is able to harness her mind ability further in time. 

Vert: Qoris holds respect for Vert and what he had become. At first sight she saw him as a new acquaintance, vert saw her as someone unique, both in background and her attitude, She is calm with him when it comes to how tolerable and obedient he is to Cayryn, She feels a mutual connection when it comes to this. She tries to teach him how about leading his life for himself over time, finding his passive listening comforting. she gets closer with him over time.

  Radon's quirky personality clashes with Qoris's but not to the level that Essie does for her, they both relate having Abilities where their hands have to be covered or to use an object to channel the power through if used. She trusts radon more the Ronan and finds his optimism delightful when she couldn't deliver it in an dire situation . together they make the most supreme combination as Radons ability to make anything acidic explode combined with Qoris's rifle bullets make a powerful force. 

Vingon: Qoris finds Vin easy going and is comfortable around him. Vin's honesty and Obscene personality is entertaining to Qoris's and she will chuckle to How he can reason the most easiest logistics from a purely complicated situation. She is usually the one that Gives Vin fresh meat for him to eat, to prevent his iron deficiency from tapping in. 

Ronan- both have slimier traits and personalities. Ronan finds Qoris's personality intimidating and keeps his distance a majority of the time, She is usually cautious of his personality and mentality due to the fact they are not fully aware of what his ability is capable of.  Ronan and Qoris work together when it comes to map reading and planning. There isn't much connection between them and are not usually together in the same scenario at times. 

Backstory: Qoris was born first to her two wealthy parents of the Iken Estate who ran a trading business of Famous teas, coffee beans and spices. She was raised on strict behaviour, barely allowed to lead her own life, she obediently took the rules she was under, to Fence, to learn about the company she was to run eventually. She was barely close with her parents as they didn't have time to tell her goodnight.  Eventually around the time Essie was born she was allowed to go on the company travels  of where to find the ingredients she did this with  a troupe of workers  from the business  for 5-6 years from then on. One day on a mid November while passing the Cold mountain ridges, they were attacked by an opponent of a company challenger. Ambushed and eventually cornered a large amount of the workers were Pushed into Freezing water  and didn't survive. Qoris was too young  and the guide was unable to find the bodies once the area was surveyed* on this matter the business couldn't fight having no evidence on who the murderer was, lots of complaints filed in from the Families of the workers, The father found it necessary to keep Qoris was under complete Surveillance her tasks being pushed on, having enough stress on everything that was forced on her, barely even having time to sleep she disobeyed the rules placed on her and left the house, successfully doing that She was immediately taken by a shaman that had been tracking children that were unsupervised and Qoris was taken being immediately unlucky at the time and turned into a maskerin, after the process she was locked in a cell the shaman kept her in for transportation to Pannox. a day later she was saved by a female Xuric that taught her what she needed to know. keeping her under her own care to get her  rested and prepped till she was ready to leave. 


===• • Powers • Weaknesses • Fears • •===


has no powers in her normal form only her maskerin form)

abilities ( base form 

- professional rifle shooting ( includes quick shooting from both twin rifles she owns)

- precise aiming skills, -can shoot a rifle with one hand without stabilizing the hold with other hand-

- Star constellation reading

Abilities (maskerin form)

- to give years and take years away 

Normal Maskerin features applied to all ) 

Crystal claw
: Her fingers harden like diamonds so she is able to slice the thickest material. 

speed: her speed quickens and is able to access the ability to run on all fours which accelerates her speed to almost 7mp

eyesight : her sight sharpens allows her to see more clearly and to see things at a more closer range 

smell: smell heightens to allow her to track of smells to pick up any lost or far off people.

•- Weakness(es)

- can't control how many years she takes from a person and therefore can unintentionally kill the person.

- her strict behavior can effect others.

- she drinks around the same level of drink as slate does. 

- as a limited amount of bullets for her twin rifles so at times has to improvise who her targets are gonna be.

- doesn't understand the basics of humor