Lafayette (Vert) Ladelle



5 years, 3 months ago


Name: Lafayette (Vert) Ladelle
Gender: Male
Nov 12th
Relationship status: 
Taken by Qoris

Personality: Vert has a confident and somewhat cocky attitude, feeling he can charm any lady.  Unlike most flirts he known to still treat a lady with respect and take his time.  He wants every lady to feel like a queen.  He's very outspoken and loves to one up other males.  He enjoys dancing and celebrations.
Added details: 
Vert has an issue with his right eye that he keeps covered with his hair.  During his experimentation with Pannox he acquired a defected eye during the process which slightly robotic and lacks a pupil.  He shows no one his damaged eye but Qoris. He's very strict and protective about his image.

Vert lived in a noble family with his parents who sold him off to Pannox to save their rich family name.  Vert loses his memory of all of this but never understood the situation to begin with only being a child.  When his memories come back to him after meeting Qoris he returns to his home to learn the truth.  His mother has a strong hate for him and he also learns that he has two younger siblings now and hopes to get a relationship with them but the mother keeps him from doing so.  His father's where abouts are unknown.  Perhaps he left the Vert's mother and Vert resembles his father even more being older which leads to his mother's animosity towards him upon his return.

Vert was very loyal to Pannox (Pannox had stolen Cayryn's identity at this time) and did every order without question.  Qoris eventually convinced him to think on his own and to live his life the way he wants to instead of being a slave.  Vert then betrays Pannox and goes to start a relationship with Qoris.

Vert is a well-known model, especially in Voyant.

He works under Cayryn in fashion production and retail alongside designer, Gemma.

Powers/Abilities:  Vert has the ability to see layouts of an area due to his all seeing eye (the one he keeps covered under his hair), due to his experimentation.  He can pinpoint where people are within a wide radius, making him very aware of his surroundings.  He is also very agile and swift.

Father and mother, Valentine and Videl (Brother and sister)
Relationship with: Mother- 
Vert has a broken relationship with his mother.  He want to make amends with her after her giving him away but she wants nothing to do with him.  Being sold off for money did make Vert hate his mother for awhile but he still has a small linger of hope she will come around for the sake of him wanting a relationship with his younger siblings.

Valentine and Videl- Vert has a strong want to bond with his younger siblings.  Wanting to protect them and spend time with them.  He is unable to with his mother in the picture.

Qoris- Vert sees Qoris as a woman of class as he found the way she carried herself very strong and dedicated.  He made advances towards her, loving her care for others as well as her accent.  It meant a lot to him when she went out of her way to tell him that he should stop following orders for Pannox (Cayrn) blindly and to do what he wants to do and live his own life rather than a slave.  She motivated him to go out and even find his family, reuniting his bond with his two younger siblings but also learning his parents gave him away for money.