
5 years, 4 months ago



Name: Oliver Penn

Age 15

Gender Male

Species Human


A troublemaker, who likes pulling pranks on others. He doesn't really care about the consequences of his actions. He has a more leadership like personality, and isn't afraid to take charge when needed. He seems to crave attention, and most of his troublemaking is because he wants someone to notice him, and this is the only way he knows he could get it. But at the same time he is reckless, doesn't think about the dangers in what he does

In the early years of his life, Oliver lived with his grandmother. He never really knew his parents, but he was happy enough with his grandmother. Though when he was six years old, his grandmother grew really ill, and eventually passed away. After her death Oliver got sent into a foster care system. He's moved around between several foster homes, but he just wanted someone to care about him, so he does a cry for attention to the adults. This is where he starts doing things to cause trouble. Eventually he found Catherine, and the two quickly became friends. Catherine was more of a follower, and just followed Oliver around, even getting a bit of his trouble nature from him. So the two continued their ways, but one day, the two went into an abandoned building. The building started to collapse, and Oliver managed to get Catherine out before it completely collapsed, but unfortunately he was crushed under building, killing him. But now he is a spirit, and continues to stay around Catherine, with some special abilities.

Extra notes:
As a spirit, Oliver has some...strange abilities. Usually spirits can not be heard or seen by the living, with a few exceptions. And Oliver can also not be seen...usually. If he were to grab someone, they would get spirit powers temporarily, and disappear completely, that allows them to see him. He can also speak to the living completely normally without the special means.

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