


5 years, 3 months ago


Name: Qetsiyah

Nickname(s): Qetah, Yaya

Age: 3008

Birth Month/Sign: Nelat/Pieni

Height: 6'8"

Sex/Gender: None/female leaning but prefers neutral pronouns

Place of Birth: ????

Current Residence: Glou

Occupation: Medium

Relationship Status: Open

Sexuality:  Demiromantic





Qetsiyah washed up somewhere around Nubui, where they were discovered by Sinnyong and taken into shelter.  Qetsiyah got their name from Sinnyong, not being able to remember their own, though they often shorten it to Qetah.  Sinny is the one that commonly calls them Yaya.  Qetah doesn't really appreciate the nickname, but will allow Sinnyong to call them as such considering their kindness and hospitality.  

Despite their gratitude, it didn't take long for Qetah to grow incredibly tired of the resort scene and tropical feel of Nubui, and once they felt strong and together enough, they wound up finding their way to Glou where they are much more comfortable.

Qetah has garnered a reputation as a medium.  They can be found talking to individuals who always seem to be conveniently hiding just out of site, or as some swear, to beings that aren't even visibly there at all.  Any questions are met with a sharp stare that dissuades most from pressing it.  Some have pointed out similarities between Qetah and the goddess Tethe'nide in terms of appearance; because of this, some say they have been marked by the goddess of fate and death... though some even go far as to call them a descendant of the goddess.

Qetsiyah tends to keep to them self.  They're not aggressive towards company, but they can seem put off by it until they familiarize with said company a bit more.