Tempera's Comments

Can i offer a oc+art for this oc? QwQ

Can you show me examples of your art and what ocs would you offer up?

Gonna have to decline. Didn’t see any ocs that caught my attention unfortunately. ;u;

Not even custom/art???

Well actually I change my mind. This oc here caught my interest. They’d be perfect to being the Tirunelveli of my Au Drearytale. I’d be willing to trade the other skeleton for them. Tempera however I’m more tentative over but the other skeleton I’m willing to trade for.


That oc isnt up for offers but i will trade cnn just because i want the oc

Cool then, I'll send the oc you way then. 

My last offer for them is a common myo w/ 2 uc traits from one of my cs.

Nah, not really interested in em. Only few closed species I have interest in are Esks, Stygians, and Scarfoxes.