Miro (Mirth) Castro



5 years, 4 months ago


Mirth Castro is the twin brother of Devil (Devin) Castro and younger brother of Onyx (Enzo) Castro. Mirth is the more level headed and responsible between him and Devil. He is a man of a few words and is currently battling depression. Mirth is an electro user like his brothers and has gone through the maskerin project with his brothers, causing him to gain a mutated tail and blue fur in the process. Mirth looks up to his twin brother for his outgoing personality and never giving up when things got hard. Mirth is a trained assassin under King as King took them in once they had escaped the maskerin project. Mirth looks to King as a father figure but would never speak on that. A few years down the road Mirth becomes a butler for Illusion and his family in Sandonia. There he falls in love with the Sandonian's royal family spy named Rune.