Raine Linville



5 years, 2 months ago



Name Raine Linville
Height 173cm
Age 16
Gender Male
Species Demon
Occupation helps at home
Orientation Undefined
Theme Song link

He was adopted at the age of 2 and half-3 by one of the local doctors. The older twin brother. He can "hide" his black sclera by moving it to the eye in his forehead, even when turned into human that eye does not disappear.


  • Reading
  • Silence
  • Neil's homemade food
  • His cat


  • His scars
  • Buttons
  • Coffee
  • Talking


Lost his wings in an inccident protecting Neil years ago, lost one while the other one had severe damaged so doctors decided that it was better to amputate it, algo got his hands very damaged too, even after rehabilitation he wasn't able to hold things so he was given those metal gloves that allow his hands to stop trembling and do simple things. Can't write properly neither use too much force or make complicate movements so he needs help for most things. Ever since he slowly developed a big inferiority complex and blame himself for the damage his brother suffered at the same time he blames him for his current state. He hates himself to bits and still need to overcome that incident and start looking at the future. Since he can't do much of his own, he prefers to wear simple dresses since they are easier to wear than pants but is not like he hates to wear them. He enjoys reading, since he can forget about himself and also doesn't require much effort either. He is actually very intelligent and dreams to become a doctor even if he knows deep inside that's impossible for him. He is rather rude, it's like a defense response, he really doesn't mean to harm anyone but it happens. When he is alone becomes a big crybaby, won't allow anyone to see him in that state sice he doesn't want others to see him even more pathetic than he thinks he is.


As an adult, he has overcome his past and ask for help instead of trying to do stuff on his own. He still wears dresses often and also use make up. He is happily married. After some treatment he no longer needs the metal gloves but still can't use his hands properly, they stopped trembling and gained a bit of strength but that's it. He hides his black sclera and still uses glasses to read.


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Neil [ Twin brother ]

Enjoys his company but tend to be rude with him even if he doesn't want to. Gets grumpy when he comes to help him.


Drake [ Adoptive father ]

Respects him a lot but at the same time hates his bad habits and thinks he should act like a more decent person, that lends to some fights between them.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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