


8 years, 1 month ago


★ Let's celebrate~


Way down south, there is a little pizzeria. It was owned by a man who ran the store up from nothing. He had humble beginnings, so he was proud of his award winning pizza and restaurant. To entertain the children he build up a pillowing to be the mascot of the little pizzeria! It was a huge success and everyone loved Pelly the Pillowing! Soon corporate big wigs came to tell the owner how impressed they were with his business and offered him a lot of money for his pizzeria! It was more money than the man of humble beginnings had ever dreamed of, so of course he agreed! As he packed up his things, he prepared to take Pelly with him. The big wigs stopped him and told him he wasn't allowed to take Pelly with, she was a part of the pizzeria's success and was required by contract to stay. Had the owner known such a cost surely he would haven't taken all that money... But now there was nothing he could do... So with a heavy heart he said good bye to Pelly the Pillowing. He told her to make sure the kids continued to love her forever and ever and he would be happy for her. Then he was just gone. And that's when everything started to go wrong...

Name Pelly SPECIES Pillowing Gender Female
Age ???     sTATUS NFT





Write about their design/appearance here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam bibendum molestie ipsum. Morbi sit amet libero velit. Maecenas ut metus molestie, malesuada erat ultrices, sagittis nisi. Donec hendrerit libero enim, eget venenatis sem accumsan sit amet. Vestibulum volutpat mollis sem eget feugiat. Pellentesque dapibus, quam a laoreet pulvinar, felis quam tincidunt odio, quis pellentesque felis urna id urna. In sed ipsum feugiat, pulvinar est eget, egestas libero. Aliquam interdum erat mauris, eget fermentum quam consectetur imperdiet.

Morbi semper molestie quam, sed imperdiet dolor hendrerit sit amet. Proin feugiat diam ut quam pharetra, vitae gravida nunc feugiat. In nibh diam, lobortis imperdiet ex vel, porttitor posuere dolor. Mauris quis lorem malesuada eros imperdiet sollicitudin in mollis augue. Aliquam quis odio at sem dignissim tristique vel sit amet nisl. Suspendisse aliquam eros sit amet augue venenatis, eu sodales libero tempor. Proin dictum fermentum erat, in iaculis augue tincidunt ut. Sed nec sem eu erat pulvinar varius. Donec ut eleifend tellus, a lobortis nisl. Pellentesque dapibus odio nec maximus tempor.

Charisma ★ ★ Intelligence ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Patience
Perception ★ ★ ★ Empathy ★ ★ Logic ★ ★ ★ 
Strength ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Stamina ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Discipline
Likes Dislikes Quirks
❤ Parties 




★ Common Size
★ Common Ears
★ Very Rare Dark Open Eyes (Glows Red)
★ Special Shark Teeth
★ Special No Tongue
★ Common Paws
★ Very Rare Retractable Claws
★ Common Open Case Tail
★ Very Rare Bow Styled Tail Knot
★ Special Animatronic Skeleton★Corrupted Pillowing (Turned evil and malicious towards companions, not safe to be around others what so ever!