Luke M. Fletcher



5 years, 4 months ago


Full Name: Luke Maverick Fletcher

AKA: Luke

Age: 38 (Dependent on AU)

Species: Human


(( WARNING: Luke's story contains many mentions of war, imprisonment, violence, drugs, sexual themes, and different kinds of abuse.))

Luke is a bit of a difficult character to summarize their story in one short description but I will do my best! 

Luke grew up in a relatively normal family until he was around the age of 13. His life took a drastic change when his mother passed, and he was raised by only his father after. His father tried his best to give him a good education, but he was a very absent father. Luke learned of the reasons why when his father was shot and killed in a drive-by incident... and it was revealed to Luke that his father was the boss of a quite large criminal organization. They produced and sold drugs, weapons, had contract assassins, and ran a prostitution ring as well. Now that Luke's father had passed, the legacy was to be continued on by Luke, who was highly reluctant. Seeing as Luke was only 17 when this happened however, his father's right hand man, Arlock, took the responsibility of both running the place until Luke was old enough, and training him to be prepared enough as well when the time came. 

Being left under Arlock's wing was highly difficult. The man had no attachments to him, and he was quite cruel to Luke ever since he first met him. Luke had grown to fear him, but did his best to never show it. 

Luke became the leader of the criminal organization when he was 21, and by the time he did, he was a completely different person. He locked away almost every emotion and moral standing to work where he was now. He hated every second of it, but he had nowhere else to go, and he wanted to maintain his own safety after learning both his parents had died when trying to escape this life style anyway. In their war-ridden society, with all kinds of creatures roaming and fighting each other, it was also wise for a human to stick to places of power. This was just the more of a reason for Luke to stay. 

In the middle of these wars, a lot of war prisoners were sold, and many underground/crime organizations bought them for their own interests. Since Luke was never able to stomach the thought of doing this, Arlock was the one who always pushed for this to be done. He bought many got them to work as assassins, delivery personel, drug sale and production, weapons sales and production, security, and some were given the choice for sex work (With Luke making sure they weren't forced into this, or he would have the heads of whoever tried to force them.) Luke, however, with his heart never able to truly accept the horrors of his now job, had grown to care for the people who worked under him, and despite the cold and cruel world they lived in, Luke had earned the respect of his workers. He had even become a beacon of hope for some of the workers they had bought, as Luke treated them like any other person, and provided them with jobs away from war, and actual wages (to Arlock's dismay). 

It was because of this reputation Luke had secretly earned that when Arlock set out to buy more workers, a young man by the name of Mayuko was pushed by other prisoners to be taken by him. Seeing no real issue with young blood working for them, Arlock took him as well. Once he returned to their base of operations, Luke was shocked to learn that Mayuko was only 15, and he refused to have him work in any of their available jobs. He did not want him working in the sale or production of drugs or weapons, and much less work for any of their other available jobs... So instead, Luke took Mayuko under his wing, offering him an education, shelter, and protection. Luke wanted to raise Mayuko well enough to have him maybe adjust to the outside world once he was able to be released, and live the life that was taken from Luke. Because of this, Mayuko grew to see Luke as a brotherly or fatherly figure, and never once feared him... Unlike Arlock, who terrified the poor kid. 

After a rather unfortunate series of events (Yet to be revised/developed in writing), Luke covered up a murder of an important figure by Mayuko. The whole incident had been in self defense, and Luke knew for a fact that Mayuko would have never done something like this unprovoked or with a very damn good reason... And seeing as Luke had grown attached to him like family, he took it upon himself to erase any trace of evidence against Mayuko, and when unable to get rid of it, he instead altered it to point at himself. 

Because of this, Luke ended up being captured, and the murder of a powerful figure, combined with his job as the leader of such a huge crime organization and all their doings, Luke was sentenced to prison for the rest of his life. 


In the main verse story, when Luke is introduced properly, he has escaped jail and become a completely different person that he was beforehand. 

Being a human in a prison with so many much more powerful creatures than himself, it was a struggle for him to even stay alive. However, Luke's will to live, his determined soul, his bravery, his past good reputation with prisoners of war, and his ingenious all led him to gather enough allies to make a plan of escape. In the span of 5 years, Luke used every and all of his skills to raise to the top of the ranks with all other prisoners. It was a heavy struggle, with his life in danger every second, and many who fell under him despising him, but having earned their respect. Then, after taking a leap of faith, Luke went up against a very powerful, well known crime boss who had been recently imprisoned. Seeing how every single person in the prison feared the man, Luke defied him for his place of power. At first, it was obvious he would fail, as he was only human while the man was of monster blood and form... But using his charisma and charms, Luke managed to become more of a "partner" for him for a time. He proposed a kind of sexual relationship to the man, who actually fell for Luke's charms and accepted to have Luke as an ally under him. It took months for Luke to earn his trust, and one night, as Luke snuck his way into the man's cell for a proposed sexual favor, he waited for him to lower his guard before delivering a deadly strike... And proved/forced himself as his organization's new boss. 

Shortly after, now having earned the respect of many and with his organization doubling in size after fusing his own with the one he had become the new boss of, he used his power and influence to organize a plan of escape from the prison he was being held at. It took months of planning, and it became a struggle almost too big for Luke, but it became successful. 

It is when Luke meets up with everyone else in the mainverse (mainly a reunion with the now adult Mayuko) that Luke becomes a great ally and asset for the Von Abel/Hawatari family to achieve their goals/heroic journey. 


After the events of many things in the mainverse, Luke eventually meets a man by the name of Dee Gaster. He is a scientist who had been forced to work under a well known/infamous villain named Virus for many years. Thanks to Dee, Virus had managed to commit many atrocities... and was to be punished for his actions until he met Luke. 

In the time Dee and Luke managed to get to know each other, Luke had found himself deeply infatuated with Dee, and he learned about how Dee had been enslaved and forced to work for Virus using severe manipulation and abuse... But Dee was really a man of pure heart. Not being able to stand the thought of someone as kind hearted and as deeply vulnerable as Dee being thrown into the horrible prison life he had endured (Dee also being merely a human), Luke took it upon himself to save Dee. 

Hiring only the best, most expensive lawyers (as long with some string pulling here and there), Luke managed to save Dee from a criminal sentence, which allowed him to walk out of the whole ordeal a free man. This having been another traumatic experience for Dee however, did not allow for much of Luke and Dee's relationship to flourish past good friends... and Luke encouraged Dee to go and live a good life with his newfound freedom. Dee, forever grateful to Luke, promised to keep in contact and do anything for Luke to repay him. 

It was around 2 years later that Dee and Luke's contact was abruptly cut. After such a long time of almost daily contact and long conversations with the smaller man, Luke grew sick with worry over what could have happened to Dee... and he set out to find him. With the help of his people, and with his own investigation, Luke had found that Dee was unable to escape the conditioning that had been forced onto him for almost a decade by Virus, and had fallen into a severely abusive relationship with a man named Bryant. When Bryant had found out Dee had been speaking every day with another man who had once shown interest in Dee, he had grown jealous and forced Dee to break all contact with him. It had been months since last Luke had heard of Dee however, and when he discovered his place of work, he had someone go and find more information of his current living situation. Here, he learned that Dee had been living with Bryant for a long time now, and many were aware of Bryant's severe abuse of him, but had been unable to help him. Now, not only had Luke not heard of him for a long while now, but neither had anyone at his work place, with the last they had heard of him being him needing medical leave.
Learning of the situation, Luke set out to find him at Bryant's residence. It was here that he learned that the abuse Dee suffered under Bryant had reached a horrible peak, and Bryant had severely beaten Dee, repeatedly, and forced him to stay at home. The day Luke approached the house, Bryant had a kind of reunion with different people at home, drinking and taking drugs as they had some kind of party with Dee nowhere to be seen. Luke managed to enter the house undetected, and found Dee had locked himself away in his and Bryant's bedroom. Luke easily sneaked inside thru a window, and found Dee with fresh wounds covering every inch of his body. Dee was shocked to see Luke, but relief washed over him at the thought of him doing so much to find him. This is when Luke learned of just how dire Dee's situation was... and planned an escape with him. Taking advantage of the fact Bryant was too drunk (or high. Or both) to really realize what was happening, Luke managed to gather all of Dee's belongings (which had not been much) and load em into his vehicle. Luke instructed for Dee to wait for him in his car while he confronted Bryant, soothing Dee enough for him to sleep while he waited for him... and it was about an hour later that Luke went outside to meet with Dee again, reassuring him that Bryant would never be a problem for Dee ever again. 

A few months passed as Luke nursed Dee back to health mentally, emotionally and physically, and their bond grew stronger than ever. During this time, the previous lingering romance that had been abandoned so long ago between them, had spurred back to life, and grew stronger than ever. This small, vulnerable, yet incredibly loving scientist had stolen Luke's heart, and he found himself unable to think of anything other than him. He abandoned his life of crime, leaving a very trusted ally to take his place, and essentially retired, leaving behind a big and respected enough legacy that he knew would allow him to leave all this behind and live away from it all without fearing for his safety. Now, he dedicated his life to helping and growing with Dee. He managed to obtain a job for Dee in a field of science that he adored, and had bought a home for the two to live together with many comforts. 

Luke and Dee are currently living together in the Mainverse story line, with Luke making plans of proposing to Dee. He also made sure to get both himself and Dee therapy, along with rehab for Dee's drug addiction.


  • Arlock: Business partner. Trained Luke to be who he is today, but Luke both fears and hates him for it. 
  • Dee Gaster: His new romantic partner.
  • Mayuko J. Von Abel: Has a found-family relationship with him. Luke is between a fatherly and brotherly figure. Luke adores Mayuko, and would risk life and limb for him. (Has an AU where he adopts Mayuko as an infant.)
  • Mayu Christa Von Abel: Respects Mayu greatly. She is the twin sister of Mayuko, and it makes Luke want to protect her as well.
  • Cindey M. Alexander: Complicated relationship. He cares for Cindey tho, as he is Mayuko's best friend, and one who helped Mayuko stay kind, sane, and well...alive. (Has an AU where he adopts Cindey as a pre-teen)
  • Archike Hawatari: Both fears and respects him. He is aware that his people "buying" Mayuko during the war meant he took away Archike's child and made him harder to find after, so he is forever regretful and apologetic to him.
  • Egan Kari HuxleyEx-worker and sexual partner. Egan was the light of his life for a while, and he misses him greatly. He hopes Egan is doing okay, wherever he is now...

  • TBN: Ex-worker and sexual partner. She was one of his girlfriends in a poly-amorous relationship. 
  • TBN: Ex-worker and sexual partner. She was one of his girlfriends in a poly-amorous relationship
  • TBN (Orphanage director): Respects him greatly. He is forever grateful that he looked after Mayuko and raised/took care of him when Luke couldn't anymore.