Coquelicotta Mak



5 years, 3 months ago


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Coquelicotta Mak

Coquelicotta Mak
27 years
Female (She / Her)

Design Notes

6'0, but she wears 3-4 inch heels too.

Wears russian, polish, and modern fashion. She's stylish and has a lot of clothes. Loves jewelry.

Very confident and cool, she has long straight hair that curls like roses at the tips.


Big hotel rooms




Glitter pens


Delayed flights


Bitter food


Street men

Greatest Strength

Coquelicotta is a socialite who travels on behalf of her doctor father to deliver medicine to demons, so she is depended on. She has amazing charisma, her own medical knowledge, and she is a great writer.

Greatest Weakness

She has a fear of becoming forgotten or not standing out in others' minds, so she constantly lives to be an impactful person. She tends to get lost often but she doesn't mind when she travels alone and can take her time.

Russian, Polish
Poland (Current)
Russia (Birthplace)


She loves to write about her travels in a series of journals, filling it with pictures, ephemera, and pocketing all kinds of receipts and tickets she's gotten. Her life is interesting.


Just how she prefers to decorate her room, or the types of hotel rooms she prefers to be in. She likes decorated spaces but she can't focus well in them.


Her passion is to travel and see all kinds of new things and people. She especially likes meeting other demons, but she prefers not to visit the same place so frequently so she isn't familiar to others, except Reuya and Belodar.

Positive Traits

Coquelicotta is known to be benevolent and good willed, a flashy but generous person that shares her father's kindness. She aims to do right things in the world and improve it her own way, friendly with those she meets and willing to use her resources for others' sakes. Everyone sees her as a big sister.

Neutral Traits

She is considered a sweet person even if she's had a rich upbringing safe from years of war, but she can't fully empathize with others who lived different lives and understands that. At the same time her travels left her seeing a lot of terrible aftermaths in others that could wear anyone down.

Negative Traits

While she acts very friendly and outspoken, she does prefer living by herself and traveling alone, never spending too much time around the same people. Maybe she's insatiable as far wanting to see everything, but she also doesn't like others being close to her and treating her normally when she thinks rarely meeting others makes her seem more interesting or fleeting. Sometimes it can be lonely though.


Others' Perception

Loved Ones

Her family appreciates her and spoiled her as she grew up, but understand she prefers doing things herself as an adult.


Many think she's cool because she's stylish and smiles even at strangers, assuming she might be a model.


Some men feel short next to her and her heels, and some hate that she answers their catcalls by lecturing like a mother.

Coquelicotta grew up mainly around her parents throughout her childhood, but was never really shy or introverted. She was very open and honest as raised by her open-minded demon parents. She's a demon by birth, not dying at any point, but she enjoys being a demon; the horns make her stand out and being so carefree about her attributes assures other demons to do the same amongst those who dislike them.

In her parent's home it was just them, no siblings or pets, so Cotta did a lot of exploring around the big house, thanks to her father being a very successful Doctor. For him it was through passion for helping all, even demons. Getting tired of being home Cotta would ask her father to let her come with him to his work, and by doing so she got to sightsee and travel. It always amazed her how vast the world was, which she constantly says in her diary even today, so she became devoted to traveling.

Her parents don't mind the expensive travels since they have plenty of money, both asking for souvenirs for places they don't see themselves, and Cotta's father tasks her to check upon certain demon establishments and deliver medicine. Her favorite is Reuya, her father's birthplace in Russia, since she frequently visited as a child and it never changes. Everytime she visits the children in Snezhana's orhpanage, there's always new faces to greet.

When she visits she tends to stay in her father's childhood home, which is now occupied by Audette and Remi Shcheglov, yet they always leave a room empty for her to stay in. She doesn't stay long when she has other towns to visit like Belodar, sometimes staying with Linell there as they are good friends. Overall times have become more peaceful since the dying down of wars years ago, but from what she hears, there's someone suspicious making their rounds by killing.

Coquelicotta never remembers being in serious trouble, never being ill enough that it could escalate fatally, never getting into any accidents or disasters, never meeting a killer as far she knows. If there's one in the region killing children, that's a peril that does impact those around her, especially the children from Reuya's orphanage. If her presence provides more security and makes others feel calmer, then she'll stay a little longer until things calm down.

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∙ She's got a very odd hiccup-like laugh, so she tries to hold it back often and just makes a forced giggle...

∙ Her health is amazing and she never gets sick, always being clean when she visits the ill too.

∙ Her room at her parents' home is still covered in the decor she had as a kid; a big canopy bed, big doll houses, etc.

∙ The flower that represents her is the Poppy, the national flower of poland. Her name comes from coquelicot, the french word for poppy.

∙ Her current design is one of the closest to her original one, as she was an adoptable I got years ago on drawcast.

Close Box

Waltz no. 2

Dmitri Shostakovich (music box)