Milne Illes



5 years, 4 months ago


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Milne Illes

Milne Kuiper Illes
2 1/2 years
Male (He / Him)

Design Notes

2'7, very small. His legs are chubby naturally.

Will wear overalls or onesies mainly, and some kind of head covering like a scarf.

Pine needles grow on his head every once in a while, they can be plucked out or cut without hurting him.


Shiny things


Lying on his side

Biting things

Sun bathing


Being on tummy

Being rocked




Greatest Strength

Milne is quick to pick up on routines and adjust to them, and learns faces easily. If he's indifferent to someone he doesn't react even if he recognizes them, he's just feigning ignorance...

Greatest Weakness

He's very particular about who and how he's touched by others, hating when he's laid on his stomach, or when he's tickled abruptly. If he has one fear, it has to be peekaboo because he has no object permanence skills yet.

Finland (Current)
Finland (Birthplace)


When you're not entertaiend enough, you might as well eat something. Milne will grab anything he can reach to see if it's edible, the usual for a baby.


He's set aside throughout the day to take naps, and at this point all the background noise of his siblings playing or poking at him don't wake him up. It's got to be a special skill now.


Occasionally he'll say a cohesive word, but it's tough to prove it when he refuses to do it again...

Positive Traits

He's a curious and attentive child, quick to learn things from observation, and hardly distracted when someone spends one on one time with him. When others laugh he may follow suit, making the situation more lighthearted.

Neutral Traits

It's just in his nature, but he considers himself a priority when he feels unease, willing to interrupt a quarrel with his whining. Sometimes it serves an end to a conversation that could end badly, or cause the two parties to work together for him, forgetting what happened.

Negative Traits

If there's a negative trait to a baby, it's his impulsiveness. There's a few instances where he's told to stay put or not touch something, but despite knowing, he'll still repeat bad habits and disregard his guardians' words.


Others' Perception

Loved Ones

As the youngest he's given the most attention and is ultimately the easiest to read and cater to. Elodie and Taimi are his favorites though...


He's just a baby so the first impression is that he's cute, but he also doesn't resemble anyone in his family.


He has no mortal enemies on his part, but there's sure to be a handful of people who simply dislike infants and children.

Like the rest of his siblings, Milne was part mandrake, sharing the makeup of a conifer himself. He didn’t sprout thick leaves the same way they did, his fluffy green hair occasionally including pine needles as proof that he wasn’t entirely human. Being the last one born, the youngest, he was Elodie’s grandfather’s best prototype, spending enough months germinating to have the closest growth rate to that of a human child. Aging the slowest, his infancy was going to be the longest, but one his family enjoyed caring for regardless.

Elodie was the first to see him, always conscientious that he would sprout any day, and when he did he clung to her like an infant that recognized their parent at first sight. Rarely did he cry when he lived in such a large, attentive family, always distracted by what others were doing and excited when they’d include him in their day. If he was near tears from feeling left out, his family had a habit of stacking objects on his head, as somehow the gesture distracted him enough that he’d stay still and quiet as not to drop the makeshift hat.

As he becomes older and learns more of the world around him, he starts to form his own personality more and reach milestones in his cognitive skills. He isn’t like one particular sister, or Elodie, but he’s very quiet in general. He doesn’t say much, yet each sibling has an unintelligible name he calls them, and he’ll walk and follow any of them in the same room as a duckling would. When Elodie’s husband Zahir appears, Milne is envious for the first time that Elodie is so focused on someone, but in the end, they become close themselves like a father and son.

Once his toddler years are reached, he still isn’t a kid with much to say, used to observing others, and allowing them to guide him on how to do things. He watches people stop by the florist shop and smile at one another, he watches other children come and go holding their parent’s hands, and he learns the emphasis of cherishing your family. He’s read stories every night until he memorizes them phonetically, until he can mimic the words himself and read short stories back to his doting sister Taimi.

In the future, Milne remains an observant and easygoing person. He’ll grow up to be close with his family as always, even if some move out within the same region, always grateful when they reunite. Earning his place in the town as a craftsman under an apprenticeship, he’s an artist who loves the idea of bringing things to life out of the unexpected. For him, that’d be taking in objects from clients and renovating them, doing commission work to create sculptures or lamp work jewelry. As long as there’s a vision, he could make it a reality. Like the rest of his siblings, they share a strong unity to care for one another, but mostly to care for their parents. When he’s got free time, Milne will create flowers out of translucent materials to surprise her, as if she receives a glass bouquet that won’t wilt.

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∙ He is petrified when he gets hiccups out of confusion, and as cute as it sounds, his interrupted crying at the same time is still pretty amusing.

∙ He seems to be weak to abrupt movements, like being tossed up in the air or being rocked. Either make him motion sick and nauseous.

∙ His favorite thing to eat might as well be his hand since its often in his mouth. Luckily he has no teeth.

∙ I named him after A.A. Milne who created Winnie the Pooh, but also Milne from Yuri Kuma Arashi since he is also a little guy.

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