Galene Marler



5 years, 4 months ago


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Galene Marler

Galene Marler
16 years
Female (She/Her)

Design Notes

5'2, ears are pointing up and dont droop or bend.

Tail is cut into a heart shape.

Fashion is punk/grunge mostly, but she has some lighter clothes.


Pop up cards

Small tasks

Slow paced life

Taro mochi





"cute" weaknesses

Faling behind


Greatest Strength

She is a very honest and diligent worker when she does things, wanting to do things correctly and especially motivated with positive reinforcement even when tasks are tough. She works slowly but surely, with the wait being worth it. She's also got killer music taste.

Greatest Weakness

Since she's a slow person, she does badly when she is being rushed. She is also dyslexic and has trouble reading properly. Partly due to the difficulty she has, she doesn't really try as hard in school, but in all other things she does.

Arlyne (Current)
Arlyne (Birthplace)

Rock Concerts

She's very good with her money until it comes to attending concerts for the bands she likes. She adores all kinds of rock styles and is very attentive to ticket sales.

Bass playing

It's a hobby she indulges in at home, but otherwise doesn't have much to dedicate to it. She's pretty good but doesn't see herself doing any performances, her only audience being friends.


When she doesn't pay attention to her grades she's pushed into doing tutoring during semesters or in the summer. She seems to learn better there, perhaps because her tutors are closer in age to her, and more patient.

Positive Traits

She's a sweet girl in natural looks and personality, only seeming unapproachable by her clothes. She's very friendly and doesn't like to hold grudges, wanting to help others when they need it and if she can. After first impressions, many get along with her.

Neutral Traits

Since she's young she's a bit naive and easily trusting of others, especially susceptible to warming up to those who share any interest with her, even if they end up being a questionable person. She still learns from experience though so she should be fine regardless.

Negative Traits

She's easily distracted and it's unintentional, worse if she's under pressure and can't focus from stress. She also can't read the room too well when things aren't going well, and doesn't notice when she's on one's bad side or when she crosses a boundary. She doesn't know many judge her for fashion either at a glance.


Others' Perception

Loved Ones

Her loved ones appreciate her hard work in life and are used to mutually relying on one another with anything. Delmas treats her like a sister.


Strangers are surprised by her cute personality despite her dark clothes. She's considered interesting to watch but nice.


She has no known enemies, but perhaps would be disliked not meeting others' expectations or for her limitations.

Galene grew up in a large family of multiple siblings. Her parents weren't individually attentive, at times mixng her up with siblings, so she moved out early on to live with her cousin Delmas and his smaller family. She wasn't especially close to her siblings either, with Delmas being the one she truly considers family more than anyone else.

Growing up with her cousin's family, she was mainly around Delmas since his parent's spent months at a time traveling for who knows what. The two were pretty self sufficient and prepared regardless, knowing how to cook and manage the home, as well as taking care of the other when needed. Galene felt comfortable with that as her home life, but did run into some trouble as a student. Early on, she was behind others as far as her reading abilities, and getting held up on that subject led to her having difficulty to other subjects involving any type of reading and writing. Still, she took measures to have someone patient tutor her and get her caught up while she ultimately learned she was dyslexic.
Other students didn't pay that much attention to her even so, figuring she was slow in all she did and that's all it was. She had a circle of friends so she was blended in well, not being someone who essentially stood out. As she grew up and navigated her interests, unsure of what future suited her, she was able to fall in love with rock culture eventually.

Attending a festival one day, she noticed a rock band playing a song that excited her, the strong vibrations of the room and the powerful vocals involved luring her in. From then on she began to seek out rock concerts at venues near her, avidly wanting to experience the same hype she did with the first show she saw. Becoming engrossed in something for the first time, she became an even happier person.

Before finding her passion, she fit into the mold of a more cutesy and slow paced girl. That's still the personality she retained, yet her fashion changed from plain clothes to dark and accessorized sooner or later. She liked the idea of collecting shirts for the bands she saw, and visibly fitting into the dark atmosphere of the venues. Frankly, her cousin and her friends didn't share the same interests as her, but she didn't mind as it was a feeling special to herself she thought. Music sounded like a good idea to get into as she wouldn't have to read often, but she preferred playing guitar by herself at home, and still got a summer job at a post office to continue spending her money on shows.

Currently, she's still a student, and decided it would be fine to continue working at the post office during the school year if it means she can often go to concerts with the money she makes. She's still got no aspirations for her future, uncertain if college is worth it given the amount of entry level jobs she could still advance in realistically. And even then, she has friends that are open to becoming roommates so they can pay for expenses cheaply and engage in their hobbies.

Her cousin Delmas sometimes hears her play the guitar at home and recommends that she really could give music a try one day. It's an option she keeps in mind, but trading her skills for a life where she won't live as casually doesn't interest her. A slow paced life is easy to plan ahead for,

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∙ Peppermint/mint scented things are her favorite.

∙ She can do a jigsaw puzzle of at least 500 pieces in a few hours/one sitting.

∙ Her speaking voice is probably like Chloe Sakamata's higher voice that she streams with. Galene probably can't sing but would have the squeakyness of it.

∙ She's really good with kids since she somewhat acts more childish than her age.

∙ Her bunny ears are probably pierced but she never likes how earrings look on them.

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