
WARNING: All text blacked out like this contains spoilers!

Personal Details ★

Full Name Lora Richardson
Gender Female
Age 13
Height 5' 0"
Birthday July 21st
Likes Making new friends and spending time with them, watching films (but not horror or any with sad endings), favourite colour = sky blue.
Dislikes Anyone who wants to harm others, messy things, has a fear of spiders and heights.
Powers None


Personality ★

Lora is a cheerful and optimistic girl who never fails to see the silver lining to anything. She is also known for being very kind and friendly, and she is willing to become friends with anyone. She is very calm, but she will stand firmly for what she believes in, though she would never physically fight for it.
However, she is very easy to take advantage of because of her kindness and how much she wants to help others. She is also known for being extremely gullible.

Backstory ★

She doesn’t have much of a backstory yet.

Relationships ★

Friends - She considers anyone she meets to be friends with her, so… basically everyone.
Enemies - Lora actually never sees anyone as an enemy, even if there are some people who actually dislike her. For example, her brother Liam thinks she’s annoying because her personality is the complete opposite of his, though she is still very friendly towards him.
Family - Liam (brother, alive), no sisters, both parents alive
Relationship status - Single/Not looking/Sexuality unknown

Other ★