
WARNING: All text blacked out like this contains spoilers!

Personal Details ★

Full Name Liam Richardson
Gender Male
Age 15
Height 5' 7"
Birthday October 11th
Likes Annoying others, playing pranks on others, breaking the rules, doing things for dares, horror movies, doing dangerous things, favourite colour = yellow
Dislikes People who annoy him (what a hypocrite), school, following the rules, 'cute' things
Powers None


Personality ★

Liam is a daring, adventurous guy who just wants to have a good time. He's also pretty confident, and not afraid of much at all. To his friends, he is quite trustworthy and can always be relied on.
However, to anyone else, he is most certainly never to be trusted. He lies pretty often, and he's pretty good at it too, so a lot of people don't believe a word he says. Unfortunately for them, he's fully aware of this, so he'll occasionally tell the truth to mess with them. Oh, and his idea of 'fun' is 'annoying anyone and everyone until they get so infuriated that they try to kill him on several occasions'.

Backstory ★

He doesn't have much of a backstory yet.

Relationships ★

Friends - Gets along well with Marina, due to them both being adventurous and fun-loving.
Enemies - He has a LOT of enemies, due to his tendency to annoy others. The most notable ones are Izzy and Luna.
Family - Lora (sister, alive), no brothers, both parents alive
Relationship status - Single/Not looking (who needs a partner when you can have just as much fun annoying everyone?)/Sexuality unknown

Other ★