Travis's Comments

> two colors of freckles; on their cheeks, ears, shoulders, arms, and knees
> their horns aren't particularly sharp
> tail originates between their middle and left leg, and pokes out under their sweater
> two right legs & feet

> in their default outfit, they have slightly see-through leggings - they match the blue & mint of the rest of their outfit just at a low opacity
> their default nail-polish has their middle two nails minty, not pink, on both their fingers and toes
> alternate softgoth outfit is a fave

Other stuff:
> floaty eyebrows are optional!
> slight and average height

Travis is a shy but easily excitable kid. They intentionally act a little younger than they are.

Why not a close-knit rp MMO group and ALSO ball-jointed dolls? ¿por que no los dos?

god you're SO right

the reason i considered it as one or the other is because their narrative plot involves a real-life meetup of some internet friends! so their relevant friend group is into one or the other hobby. but damn u so right what is stoppin my boy trav? nothing. nothing at all. let them have both!!!

(also ty for faving them!! 'preciate it ;0)