Amaya (Peace Lover (FEH AU))



(tmw you make a feh au for your own OC. LISTEN, I HAVE FUN WITH THESE SORT OF THINGS, OKAY???)

Unit Type: Infantry Colorless Archer

HP: 37
Atk: 29 (superbane)
Spd: 41 (superboon)
Def: 20
Res: 40
BST: 166~168

WEAPON: Two Virtues. Grants Spd +3. If unit initiates attack, allies within two spaces of unit recover 7 HP after combat, and the enemy cannot counterattack.
ASSIST: Ardent Sacrifice. Heals adjacent ally 10 HP. Unit loses 10 HP. (but cannot reach 0 this way)
B Skill: Repel 3. If unit's Spd > foe's Spd, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%). If unit initiates combat, foe is moved 1 space away after combat.
C Skill: Breath of Life 3. If unit initiates attack, adjacent allies recover 7 HP after combat.


  • "Hiya! My name is Amaya! I'm supposed to be helping my friends, but I'll do my best for you!"


  • "Wowwie, there's so many cool heroes here! I wanna be just like them!"
  • "My home? Well...I don't got one right now. Mosaic had a bit of an accident, but we're gonna fix it!"
  • "Hmhmhm~ Oh! Have you had anything to eat yet? Come on, come on, I'll make something nice for you!"
  • "Hikari, Dawn, and me are the Ninja Guardians of Mosaic! Hikari came up with that one. She's the coolest!"
  • "My friends are the best! I have a lot of them, but I love them all a lot!"

  • "Hello there! I was told to give my best hello by [Friend], so here I am!"

  • [+4/5 points] "Wait for me, everyone! I'll be strong too, just wait and see!"
  • [+2/3 points] "I gotta make sure to do my best, always!"
  • [+1/0 points] "W-Well, I've, um, never been very good at fighting anyway...!"

  • "That's so sweet of you! I'll make sure to give you double in return!"

  • "Is it possible to be too happy, [Summoner]? Because sometimes I feel like it's a little weird!
    My friends lost a lot in Mosaic when the Heartless attacked, but I didn't feel any different...
    I lost my home too, and I thought it was just to keep everyone happy that I was, but...I think something's wrong with me.
    I've never felt sad, or mad, or afraid, or anything. Every time I try, it feels impossible. Even now, I still feel happy as can be!
    So...I got something to ask you. If it isn't normal, and if something happens to me...if I turn out to be something weird...
    Promise you'll do what's best for everyone, okay? But until that day comes, I'll do my best for you! Promise!"

  • "Ya!"
  • "Ha..!"

  • "Ow!"
  • "Eek!"

  • "Here goes nothing!"
  • "I'm really sorry about this!"
  • "I don't want to hurt you!"
  • "This is for my friends!"

  • "I couldn' anyone..."

  • 1★: "[giggles]"
  • 1★: "Huh? Oh! Did you need me?"
  • 1★: "This is my keyblade, Two Virtues! It's a weapon, but it can heal, too!"
  • 1★: "I always, always do my best for my friends. All of them!"
  • 4★: "I know we'll find Rie and Miss Yua again. I just know it!"
  • 4★: "I don't really like fighting. I just think it'd be better to talk things out!"
  • 5★: "I never really knew just how good we had it, until everything was gone."
  • 5★: "You're my friend too, you know! So I'm gonna do my best for you, too!"

  • "Here I go!"
  • "Um, this way, right?"
  • "Uh-huh!"