⭐Andromeda⭐ (LKD AU notes)



-the pirates didnt intentionally ditch him, they got caught up in some sort of storm-like spacial anamoly that scattered everyone aboard into separate universes, andy was just lucky enough to pop out the other side a hundred or so feet above a planet. does not remember much beyond the ship getting violently tossed around and then waking up in the middle of a city park 

-the pirates threatened to toss his eye out into the void of space more than a few times to make him compliant. ship was small enough that they could keep it locked up in the captains quarters and he could still safely wander about the ship freely (or, more accurately, be paraded around). this trauma causes him to develop such a strong fear of losing his eye or having it taken from him that over a year passes between when he retrieves it and the next time he allows it to leave his body in any way (for about half that time he refuses to even let it out of his eye pouch. he relied entirely on magic vision for about half a year, no cyclops mode and in his human form he avoided creating eye sockets from an irrational fear of his eye getting stolen through them or just falling out somehow)

-the appearance of magic on earth is drastically different from skire. the colors are much more muted, typically having very desaturated earthy tones. as well, the shape of magic, or more specifically the patterns of the weaves, is far more structured. he believes it'd take an incredibly skilled magician to work with earth magic given its incredible density and structure. (good comparison would be, detangling a wad of loosely coiled thread vs pulling apart a thick woven blanket made up of cords of yarn that are themselves merely smaller rolled up thick woven blankets)

-the magic weave of supernatural entities (demons, angels, and ghosts) appears much more like that of skireans, and if anything are even less dense, especially angels which appear almost like stick figures from how simplified their magic is.