⭐Andromeda⭐ (LKD AU)



3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

lore specific to this AU (doesn't apply to LKD)

there are galactic federations that give planets different categories based on their tech and social advancements, only certain categories are allowed to be contacted (earth is NOT in one of them lol)


finds himself dumped on an alien planet known as 'earth' after some shady dealings with space pirates went sour, just tryin to fit in and do his best

wakes up in the middle of a city park with little recollection of how he got there or where he even was. realizes hes not on skire, possibly even on an entirely separate planet since he isn't picking up any hivemind signals.

meets hal and is invited to crash at 'his' place bc hal thinks hes neat, sunny allows it bc he gave up on telling hal what to do ages ago (and the bizarre alien creature is still only the second weirdest cat entity hals brought back home with him). after living together for awhile they kinda become 'a thing' tho arent super public about it. 

also, hal tries to help him adjust to life on earth but is spectacularly bad at it because, well, hes hal. andy is significantly more socially inclined and apparently his skills translate just fine to the local culture, so besides sometimes accidentally slipping up on specific conversational topics hes unsurprisingly much better at navigating social situations than hal lmfao

andy is initially reluctant towards disguising his unshiftable cccat features due to his natural inclination to not break the truce even tho he knows none of that applies on this planet he still feels beholden to it. eventually gives up tho and just goes with it due to being sick of always being stuck in their apartment. feels really bad about it at first but gets used to wearing false eyes and teeth (struggles to look at himself in the mirror when disguised sometimes tho bc of the instinctual connections between having colorless portions in his eyes and human teeth)

has difficulty adjusting to the woefully archaic tech and scientific understandings of the universe that prevails on earth, is shocked to find most of earths citizens believe their planet is the only one to house intelligent life. equally confused over the complete lack of magical knowledge.

keeps his eye hidden in his pouch for the longest time. while being held captive by the pirates they threatened to throw his eye out of their ships airlock and so hes been hypervigilant over keeping it safe ever since. two big developments in his relationship with hal were when andy first saw him sans magic-vision and when, much later, he let hal hold his eye (tbh hal didnt want to bc he thought itd feel gross like a regular squishy eye LMFAO, but thankfully he was able to fully appreciate the gesture)

picks streaming back up eventually (was relieved and also kinda weirded out that it was not just a thing here too but it also had basically the same exact setup and culture around it lmao) gets waaaay more popular than he ever did back in skire due in large part to his (literal) alien appearance. just tells everyone hes using a super detailed/advanced vtuber rig, which people buy bc it's easier to believe than the concept that hes an actual alien creature. 'andromeda trutherism' becomes both a legit conspiracy and a meme, is a large contributor to his popularity. he was p niche before but had a dedicated following that included a few trolls who spread the insane idea that his vtuber rig was actually just him irl. they made analysis videos where they went over small clips of his stream to try demonstrating things like his movements being too realistic, the shapeshifting being too fluid, etc. and crunched numbers on the impossible amounts of computing power and bandwidth it'd take to keep his model looking so realistic. the sheer dedication to this conspiracy and the number of videos arguing for it caught the attention of people interested in gawking at crazy people online and became an in-joke that got spread around enough to catch the attention of internet culture journalists who made articles with headlines like:

"Streamer accused of being an ET for his 'impossibly real' VTuber model"

"Meet the small Twitch streamer "being exposed" as an alien by an online mob "

"ALIEN? WHERE?!: The online witchhunt with an 'out of this world' twist" 

causing the story to finally blow-up into the mainstream. 

fun fact: has a partial fursuit that's literally just his regular-ass head, arms, and tail that he wears in public appearances. he feels weird as hell wearing it but it's still better than having to pop on the fake eyes and teeth lmao

-the controversy over his identity soon grabs the attention of the federal paranatural services (working title) who basically kidnap andy and try to figure out his deal. they work things out enough that he is allowed to leave but they make him agree to regular follow up meetings in order to both gather further info from him on his origin and to make certain hes keeping up his cover well enough. (standard procedure for nonstandard lifeforms)

-the organization is in contact with a local branch of the galactic federation (local as in within this galaxy LMAO) who are equally baffled by andy and believe he may even originate from another universe entirely. he hasnt been made aware of this yet since it's both not a certainty and they are unsure of how he may react and what hes physically/magically/psychically/etc. capable of. (hes devastated when he finally does learn since he knows the people of this world are barely capable of effective space travel much less crossing into other universes so theres basically no hope of getting back home)

-he can probably see normally unseeable entities when using his magic-vision? idk how hearing or not hearing them would work though, do cccats have magic-hearing as well as vision???? why is this silly ass au making me genuinely reconsider basic rules of my story universe omfg

umm also, andy starts making enough money to buy a nice house for himself and hal, sunny is ecstatic to have his apartment for himself finally tho he probs gets lonely often and visits Andy's place p frequently lol