Caethes Penrose



5 years, 4 months ago



Caethes Penrose




Race: Butterfly/vampire
Role: Healer
Personality: Calm
Sexuality: Bi - no preference
Sign: Pisces
Body type: Hour glass/ curvy
Height: 5'2


  • Nature
  • Rain
  • Sunlight(oddly enough)
  • content


  • Cruelty towards nature
  • content
  • content
  • content



In a village named, Higashi-Naruse (東成瀬村), Akita which is well known for it  having the most beautiful night sky in the country. The air there is so clear that it's a beautiful sight. There are also an abundant of waterfalls and groundwater in the area, so everything grows well. There in the village lived the Penrose family, a middle class one and the woman whom was Caethes mother had given birth to a beautiful ivory skinned girl that had soft ivory hair with bits of pink in the mix. When the baby girl opened her eyes, they were a soft pale blue. Her parents were in shock at first at how she looked, but quickly fell in love with the little bundle as she started up at her parents with equal bewilderment.

Caethes had a very easy childhood, being an only child she was dotted on and given the best possible care that her parents could afford. The young girl had to stay in doors mostly and play because the sun would burn her fair skin so easily, this lead to Caethes being teased by some of the other kids in the villages and she got labeled as, "Ghost girl" by the others. While she knew she was loved so, Caethes couldn't but feel like she didn't belong because she was so different from the others. One night she cried to her father about having been bullied by a group of girls for how she looked, he just quietly wiped her tears and just told her that one day there would come a day when she wouldn't care what others thought of her.

And so, throughout the rest of her childhood Caethes would remain to herself making one of two friends when she was allowed outside which was mostly in the evenings. As she grew up, her beauty became more defined causing heads to turn whenever she did venture out. By the time she was 16 her parents were looking for possible marriage matches for her, but no one in the village was ideal for their beloved daughter. Her parents were aiming high and hoping to pair Caethes with a nobleman from a powerful family so that they could move up in the social world. Upon her 18th birthday, her parents had found such a match and started the courtship between the two. Caethes and her intended went on dates in the evening and spent hours talking trying to get to know one another the best they could in the short amount of time.
Because by the time she was 22, her parents and his parents had set a date for them to be wed, however sadly neither one would get to that date or the wedding that their families had been working on come to be. On the day that she turned 22, a horrible plague hit her village wiping out everyone she had grown up with leaving Caethes who had somehow managed to survive it. The young woman looked around her with horror etched into her face, seeing the faces of her loved ones blackend by the sickness that had claimed them. Not able to stand in it longer, Caethes turned from her parents and left her house but it was far worse outside than in. Bodies of the people she had grown up with were laying in the street, each face a etched with sadness and different emotions at what had happened.
Save for one, there was a lone figure standing in the distance and that figure was growing closer as it walked towards Caethes. It was a pale figure, just like her though there was more pigment in his skin tone. The male paused a few feet from her and studied her, Caethes stared back with the tears that had stained her pale face. The male gave a shake of his head and explained to her what he was, that he was a member of a clan of vampires and that he had been sent by their Empress to check for any survivors. He would hold out his hand and offer her the chance to become one of them. Caethes would think it through for a few moments, looking around at the bodies that littered the streets and then gave a shake of her head stepping towards him to take his hand.
He drew her in and held her close to his form and within the same instant they were teleported to another place, it was grand palace from what she could from the inside but they seemd to be in a room for ceremonies. Before her in glass jars were glowing spheres, all different shades in color. A soft green with hints of pink caught her attention. The male noticed her staring and smiled at her saying she would seen be able to chose one of the spirits within the jars but first she had to be turned into what he was. Caethes felt a spasm of fear at first, the thought of the unknown frightened but then something clicked. She would have all eternity to study herbs and how to become a healer so that in case of another plague she would able to help prevent what had happened to her village.
So Caethes would accept the offer but she had one request that she would be given a home of her own in the forest with all she would need to study herbs and such. The male nodded his head and muttered a word of agreement, then he approached the young woman and careful tilted her head to the side. A single bite was all it took and before him stood a newly formed vampire, he would then jester to the jars and order her to select one. Caethes would walk over to the jars and study each one carefully before settling with the soft green and pink glowing sphere that had thin wings sticking out. The unknown male would approach yet again and pick up the jar, he would carefully remove the lid.
The spirit of the butterfly would rise from the jar and fly at Caethes going into the center of her chest, at first the young woman thought nothing had happened and gave a puzzled look. But just then a few rays of sunlight would burst through the windows of the room casting its warm glow. Before Caethes could react a pair of thin sheer wings unfolded from the middle of her back, soft gold and green shimmering in the lighting. It numbed the effects of the sunlight upon her skin and eyes. For the first time in all her life both her old and now her new she was able to endure the sun. This caused a faint smile to touch her lips.

The male then told her it would take sometime for the home she requested to be built and that she was welcomed to stay in the palace until it were done and use its library to start her studies. Caethes threw herself into her studies and her new life, she barely noticed the time passing as she studied and crafted potions of healing and other things. It took five months for them to get her home built, by that time Caethes had a whole stock of herbal remedies and potions to cure all sorts of illnesses. She also had managed to study a village that had been hit with a plague just like the one that took hers so many months ago, though it hurt her to see the people dying as she tried her best to tend to them. Her studies had failed but she wasn't going to give up just yet, Caethes retreated into the woods afterward the second plague.
To this day she is still trying to craft a cure, but for now she just lives life one day to the next by tending to her garden and keeping her house in order while taking care of a few patients that come to her seeking aid. The young woman even made a friend with a small fox which she had when it was but a kit having recused it after it had been abandoned by its mother, like her it was different. A solid while with red eyes, it would become her friend and her helper.

Details to know

  • Wings appear in the daylight but disappear at night time.
  • Her DNA is merged with a Brimstone butterfly.
  • She has a tattoo/birthmark of a pink daisy on her inner right thigh.
