


5 years, 4 months ago


Senior (Act 3)
Middle-Aged (Act 1-2)
PowersAbove Average Shadow
DescendantsRuin (Grandson)
Radon (Great-Grandchild)
Persimmon (Step-Great-Grandson)
PastHead of the Royal Guard
FirstPage 36
Chapters4, 5 (informal), 7-11, 14, 15 (informal), 17-20, 24-25
Head of the guard, Asbestos spends his time policing the monarchy as best as he can. What a bore.
One of Asbestos's guards, Ice, allegedly fell ill after returning from a supply run, and the town incinerator Blaze arrived in his place offering to take his shifts as a substitute guard, which Asbestos allowed, believing that there are never enough guards. Blaze, however, was led to release West, a political prisoner, who in turn released every other prisoner in the jail. Not seeing Blaze afterwards and growing suspicious of Ice's apparent disappearance, Asbestos put out a search for them and Ice's similarly missing roommates, eventually deciding to search their home.
Once there, he was confronted by the rebels, which started a full on fight, and Blaze duelled him in the living room... but since Blaze's shadows burn, the house caught fire. It came down around them, just as its occupants came back with Shade, who confronted him, and Smoothswaggy, a baby dragon that Asbestos was shocked and terrified by. The queens and kings came to see what all the commotion was about, halting the fight as they realized that Thorn and Tsunami were their missing children.
There was an overnight peace, followed by a meeting where everyone put together what had happened in the past few days, and how Thorn and Tsunami were taken from the palace to begin with. He recognized Tsunami and Thorn's pseudonyms as those involved in the accident. To Asbestos's discomfort, Thorn proposed that all of the rebels be allowed to go, and have the matter of powers be discussed at a later date.Asbestos attended the royal wedding, and was making sure no one attacked the monarchs. He did, however, seem to miss that the rebels were hanging out with the kings. Coquina, however, caught them trying to convince the kings to change the laws, and called a war against them.
Asbestos called the Guards to the basement for a debrief, implying to them that it was the rebels who’d planned the fight, and that it was okay to kill them. After they moved out, he noticed Ruin and Radium were spying on them. He quickly knocked Radium into a random catapult that had been lying around and launched her through the roof so he could fight Ruin one on one. He easily defeated Ruin, and took the opportunity to let him know that he was his grandson, knowing his daughter would be unhappy to hear how he turned out under the system. He offered Ruin a position in the Royal Guard, on which he would cover up his involvement in the rebellion. Ruin accepted, and seemed to agree to help diffuse the ongoing situation, but when Asbestos was distracted by Shade’s monstrous new form, Ruin slammed him in the back of the head, gloating that he was trying to steal a badge the whole time. Ruin tried to kill him by slamming him into a wall, but the wall broke and Asbestos fell through. They were both surprised to see him drop in open air; the town had taken flight since they’d last looked outside.
Asbestos managed to recover before hitting the ground, surviving the fall and deciding to retire instead of trying to return to whatever mess was surely happening..
He stayed in the general area until Shade, still a monster, fought a dragon with over twenty heads, with the help of the rebels and an outpouring of ghosts. He moved to Florida, where he belonged, and was never bothered by them again.