Senkō Hinata



5 years, 4 months ago


The Leader

Angry . Brave . Cold

Name Senkō Hinata
Called "The Leader"
Age 17
DoB October 10, ----
Gender Male
Race Human
Height 5'9
Build Endomorph
Deamnor Serious and protective
Theme link a song


  • His brothers/Step-siblings
  • Being alone sometimes
  • Reading
  • Baking
  • Going outside at night
  • Watching the stars


  • His father/Grandfather
  • Snakes
  • Wasting resources
  • Leaving his siblings alone
  • Sounds of thunder
  • Smoke (From cigars, cigarettes, etc.)
  • Warm weather


Senkō is the kind of person to tell you the truth, almost in a brutally honest way, though, if he knows you well enough, he's a little more relaxed with how he tells you things that are more than personal to him. He's always been the kid who got in the most trouble trying to protect his siblings from things he deemed dangerous, building a wall to hide his own emotions so he can play a part of 'mother', as they never really grew up with one. He wanted his siblings to have one, even if that meant he didn't have one himself. He tends to put his brothers health before his own, making sure they're ok before he could even focus on himself, which is rarely something he does. Senkō has a bit of a big brother bear instinct when it comes to standing in the front line for his siblings, effortlessly towering over others by using intimidation but never hurting someone else unless need be.

In his childhood, Senkō usually was the one who gaze lip to other people, whether it be their grandfather, teacher or otherwise. He was always the strongest sibling, telling the others to shut up and just stay quiet, as he didn't want anything bad to happen to any of them, even if it meant getting himself hurt instead. Though, the majority of his siblings didn't agree that he should take anything from the adults, that didn't change his stance in any situation. He did intend to try his best in school, thought it never ended up the way he wanted. Being focused on protecting his brothers and taking care of them, his education suffered and that only made his life a lot worse when his father found out.



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