


8 years, 1 month ago


Leonah is a sweet old lady and a proud wife, mother & grandmother. She worked as a live-in housemaid for Elanor's family for several decades before retiring just a few years ago. These days, she likes to spend her time gardening, bird watching, and volunteering with various social causes.

She's 70 years old and an otter. Personality is reserved, protective, friendly, and a bit of a perfectionist.

Elanor [wife]: These two have been living together as partners since they were young adults. They finally got married just a few years ago! They enjoy cuddling and going on bird-watching trips.

Tim [friend]: Elanor's ex-husband. He and Elanor were in an open marriage, so he knew about Elanor & Leonah's relationship and was totally cool with it. They're still good friends!

Mitra [daughter]: Leonah helped raise Mitra shortly after she was adopted by Elanor and Tim. Leonah and Mitra have always been very close to each other. She and Elanor both agree that she's grown up to be an awesome young lady!

Ozie [son-in-law]: Mitra's boyfriend and future husband. Leonah seems to get along OK with Ozie; he seems like a nice guy, at least. As long as he makes Mitra happy, then that's what matters.

Corey & Skylar [grandkids]: Leonah's future grandchildren (they come along a few years in the future timeline). Leonah loves her grandkids a whole lot. She can't resist spoiling them with cookies and toys!