Kagami Ao



5 years, 2 months ago


i search for god but the moon is gone. i search for comfort, and the eels come. they cross my meadow every twilight, up to seven feet in length, traversing mountain napes with open eager mouths. the fires heaved them from the rivers, now they curve themselves across the precipice of life, toward black oceans. haunted yellow eyes.

Let me tell you how I wished for a long, unfractured life: I slurped noodles, threaded needles. But again and again I dreamt I was a series of footprints pressed deep into the earth, covered in snow.


“What will we do with ourselves this afternoon? And the day after that, and the next thirty years?”


Kagami Ao

鏡 青




True Neutral

Demiboy (he/him)


Nepotism Baby

June 28th

Shibuya, Tokyo




Witness the shapeless effigy.

The stars knocked loose from God's mouth, cities drained dead of color,

futile in stop and go monotone.


Haughty, spoiled, and rude, Ao embodies almost everything wrong with society's upper crust. He is the sole heir to his parent's domineering megacorporation, KGMC, and will make sure that everybody knows it. Great lengths have been taken to prevent him from knowing about any of KGMC's dark underbelly; their illicit dealings with the underworld and frequent use of intimidation tactics, among other things. In his mind, the money just... appears in his bank account after some vague "business" is done. He's not very smart.

Though he does hold a position in the company as vice chair, it's entirely meaningless and only exists to give him something to do. Not that he even does it half the time. Ao is much more of a rich influencer than anything resembling a businessman.

Ao had a cold upbringing; despite being given every material desire that his heart could ask for, he was denied affection and warm words at every turn. Thus, this became what he seeks the most, though he often goes about it the wrong way. If anyone shows him genuine kindness, he’ll latch onto them and become puppy-like.

Despite being genuinely not very smart, he can randomly show an unexpectedly high level of emotional intelligence at times. Though this doesn’t stop him from usually being rude and stuck-up. His good looks and brazen, unearned confidence can also make him surprisingly charismatic, even if he’s talking about something he knows nothing about.

Ao can often be more than a little obnoxious and doesn’t bother thinking before he talks, usually in a voice that’s always just a little too loud for the given situation. He can also be immature; not that he behaves like a child, but more like he still has the mentality of someone in their very early twenties who hasn’t needed to become self-sufficient yet. The seemingly endless amount of money in his personal bank account also ensures that he won’t have to do so anytime soon.

Ao is an artificial human; cloned from the DNA of his parents’ biological son, Manao, to serve as his replacement. Because the original child was eleven years old at the time he was disposed of, the scientists involved in Ao’s creation used chemical injections, electrical stimulation, and rudimentary nanomachine treatments to rapidly accelerate his body’s maturation and ensure that he would seamlessly fill the spot his predecessor had left behind.

Biologically, Ao is nearly indistinguishable from any “real” human. The only discrepancy is the lack of fingerprints on both of his hands.


He takes jazzercise lessons twice a week, so he’s more in shape than one might think.

His black gloves are a security item. Having his hands bare makes him anxious.

He has a tendency to try and imitate people that make him feel insecure or inferior; “borrowing” small things like a speech habit or a particular brand that they wear.

Can play the piano decently. He learned in high school and was in the music club for a bit.

Loves sea animals and enjoys going to the aquarium. He adores penguins, and also keeps a Japanese spiny lobster named Umi as a pet.

Though he absolutely adores Umi, at the same time he doesn’t see any problem with eating cooked lobsters.

Despite what one might expect, he actually tips really well at restaurants. Though it's mostly because he doesn't want to bother doing the math and just leaves a ¥10,000 bill because it's "easier".

He hates all sweet foods, with the exception of red bean. The only desserts he'll eat are taiyaki (which he bites from the side) or wagashi.

He has a phobia of butterflies.

His alcohol tolerance is weirdly good. Even though he goes to clubs and parties a lot then nobody has ever seen him get more than slightly tipsy.



3524757?1609461204 Yamanote Ryoma
They come from corporate families that are in direct competition with each other, and also have a long-standing personal rivalry that stems from Ao’s inferiority complex towards Ryoma. He feels threatened by how Ryoma seems to be better than him in every way; more well-spoken, carries himself better, and a much more skilled businessman. He’s constantly starting verbal battles of wits with Ryoma, though he usually loses.
3655836?1609461240 Shitamachi Seigo
Ao has a puppy crush on Seigo and hangs onto his every word, often turning the bragging and boasting up to 11 in the hopes that Seigo will acknowledge him and offer praise. He gets flustered easily and will often stumble over his words when they’re together. Seigo almost perfectly fits his ideal type, that being someone who is confident and a bit mean.
48862165_Ccs.png Hoshiumi Tooru
A genuine friend! Despite being complete opposites in most ways, they're a good pair. Even if Tooru is continually baffled by how out of touch Ao manages to be about... everything.
ffewwefwfqwfwefwef1.png Asakusa Shohei and Tennouji Takumi
A pair of “interns” that Ao pays under the table to do random jobs for him; anything from coffee runs to corporate espionage. They think he’s bizarre, but also don’t have qualms about doing mildly illegal things for money, so it works out. Ao posits himself as a father figure for Takumi. The sentiment isn’t really shared.