


5 years, 4 months ago


(markings; passionate demeanor as a youth)
Cis-male / DMAB
32 moons (25 moons at start)
December 7th, 2019
One (Juniperbreeze & NPC)
Hazeldrop (NPC)


 POSITIVE: Stalwart - Intelligent - Tactical

Cloudheart is an incredibly stalwart tom. He's fiercely loyal to ForestClan. This cat is a bit of a 'workaholic'. He tends to stay busy, not slowing down very often. He can be trusted with important tasks and will do anything in his power to achieve them. The orange tom is very intelligent. He's got plenty of common sense to support his experience. With this intelligence, comes tact. Even if he's got quite a temper, he never allows it to rule his actions. Rather than charging into battle or a sticky situation, he thinks it through... and then acts. Most of the time.

NEUTRAL: Irreligious - Leery - Stubborn

Cloudheart has a deep-seeded hatred for the cats of the Stars. Why would they allow so much pain? So much grief? If they’re truly so powerful… why not stop it? Cloudheart is leery of those who were not born in ForestClan. He has a deep-seeded distrust for the other clans and for outsiders... and he's not afraid to show it either. He doesn't allow himself to fully trust his clanmates either, guarding his heart fiercely. He's a stubborn cat, his mind hard to sway once it’s made.

NEGATIVE: Overprotective - Hot-headed - Self-doubting

He's also fiercely overprotective. Once he's come to care about a cat, he becomes very protective of them and fears for their well-being. He does his best to prevent this from happening, but it is unavoidable and bound to happen at some point. Cloudheart can be a true hothead. His patience is terribly thin. Due to the actions he took as an apprentice, Cloudheart finds himself self-doubting and, at times, even self-loathing. 

Muscular & brawny, with wide shoulders
Ginger, with white markings that resemble clouds; crystalline blue eyes.
Several scattered across his pelt; given to him by SwampClan cats.
Physically healthy. Mentally questionable.

FORCE: 16 | +4 | 20
AGILITY: 10 | +0 | 10
TACTIC: 10 | +0 | 10
CHARM: 10 | +1 | 11
HP: 36
LEVEL & SKILLS: Lv. 4 / Scrappy


  • Emoji participation - +3 force (+1 per emoji)
  • March 2022 "High ranks" meme - +1 force
  • May 2022 "Hypokits" meme - +1 charm



Cloudheart's kithood was not very noteworthy... other than his conception. His mother had been a former rogue named Rain. She had joined ForestClan after deciding that she no longer wished to be alone. After proving herself, she took on the name of Rainscent and became a hunter. It was after that that she met and bore kits for Condorfeather. Unfortunately, the tom never got to see his kits as, ironically, he was killed in a fight with a rogue. Not long after Rainscent gave birth to Cloudkit, Ashenkit, Bonekit, and Flowerkit. Cloudkit lived a very mundane kithood, spending time romping with his siblings and just enjoying life, other than occasional fights with Bonekit. 


This is where Cloudheart's life becomes more noteworthy. He and his four siblings all became apprentices, assigned under designated mentors. Cloudpaw was given to Hazeldrop, a she-cat with a harsh tongue but the heart of a lion. Under Hazeldrop's mentoring, the orange tom thrived. His mother found a new mate and soon was expecting kittens. Cloudheart thought very little of it, instead welcoming his half-siblings when they came into the world during the ladder part of his apprenticeship. It wasn't long into training that Cloudheart began to think of himself as good as any warrior... He was arrogant and vain, boasting that he could best even the most vicious of cats in battle. The adults of the clan humored him for the most part, not realizing that they were only bolstering this mindset... a mindset that would cause issues eventually.


Cloudpaw graduated right on time, becoming Cloudheart. He was assigned Mistshimmer and Juniperbreeze as his teammates. He began to thrive right away, becoming quite popular among his clanmates for his charismatic nature. He certainly enjoyed dropping flirtations on others as well- even one of his own teammates, Mistshimmer. In fact, she became his favorite fling partner. Those short moons after his graduation were the most carefree of his life... but they were not to last. His half-siblings had become apprentices and Cloudheart wanted to be one of the first to teach them all he could. Snowypaw, Prairiepaw, and Frigidpaw had been busy the day that Cloudheart decided to take them out, so they hadn't been able to join in. Blackpaw and Amberpaw had been free though and more than eager to tag along. Cloudheart knew the risks that came with being out in the territory, especially near SwampClan borders. Tensions with swamp dwellers were high... potential war on the horizon. Yet, he wanted to be the first to show them the borders... so he took the risk. A risk he'd regret.

Amberpaw had been asking him something, something that distracted him from Blackpaw. While his back was turned, his inquisitive little brother found something tasty... and gobbled it up before he could be scolded. Unknowing, Cloudheart continued to lead the little patrol after answering Amberpaw's question. Only a few minutes later, Blackpaw began to complain of belly aches... and it all went downhill from there. TW: seizures; trauma. His body was racked with seizures, blood secreting from his orifices. Cloudheart and Amberpaw panicked, trying to do what they could to help him... but only a few moments after the seizures began, SwampClan cats made themselves known. One informed them that their brother had been poisoned- he'd found the sweet, deadly snack that they'd left behind. A fight immediately broke out. Amberpaw didn't stand much of a chance, having had no battle training yet. Her leg was badly broken in the battle. Cloudheart himself fared much better, although he was soon littered with wounds that would become scars. ForestClan enforcements arrived quickly after that and drove the SwampClan cats out. Little did they know, the poisoning and attacks had been planned out. In MountainClan, Cragstar was also in his death throes.

It was too late for Blackpaw. He'd died near the end of his siblings' battle. Cloudheart immediately shouldered the blame himself, blame that was inforced by Rainscent. She accused him more or less of murder. Boneblaze also backed his mother up. Ashenstreak and Flowerdancer offered him no strife, but no support either. Amberpaw survived the incident, but her training was postponed due to her severe injuries. Cloudheart withdrew into himself, pushing away family, friends, and lovers alike. War with SwampClan had begun and he threw his all into fighting for his clan. Yet, even when SwampClan was driven out and the war ended, Cloudheart kept his distance. He was a murderer and he feared he may murder again... and so he kept his heart locked away behind a wall of thorns and ice.


Things were peaceful up until Morningstar's death. Silentwing had a vision that led them to his body, only to find that MountainClan had found him first. Cloudheart was quick to jump to accusations, Juniperbreeze somewhat backing him up. Sheepflame was submissive during it all though, to distraught, and Cloudheart snapped at her after storming away. Sheepflame rose to power, despite having some sort of physical drawback after receiving her lives. Cloudheart kept his distance, as usual, but he wasn't happy about his new leader. A very short period of time later the Captains were announced. Among them were Prairiemouse and Juniperbreeze. Cloudheart was quick to object, out of fear for the lives of his unadmitted loved ones. Cypresswish, Oriolefern, Figpaw, Topazcrown, Sneezepaw, and Prairiemouse attempted to deescalate the situation, though it didn't work- only serving in Cloudheart snapping at and even unsheathing his claws at Sneezepaw. It was Boneblaze and Frigidpool's harsh words towards their brother that shut Cloudheart down (quite literally.) Sheepstar warned Cloudheart, Boneblaze, and Frigidpool for various reasons that their cruelty would not be accepted. The situation was dispelled, and no other protests were made... so the Captains become official. As a test, Sheepstar eventually assigned the outsider born Pebblepaw to Cloudheart for a rotation of training. While she would eventually grow on him, he wasn't happy about the arrangement. 

Not even a moon after giving Pebblepaw to Cloudheart for mentoring... Sheepstar was killed. Lynxcry returned to camp, sobbing that Sheepstar and Oleanderbreeze had been taken. They were both dead, he claimed. A patrol party was sent out to search, including Cloudheart himself, but their efforts were fruitless. It seemed that Sheepstar was gone and Turtleheart would rise to leadership in her stead. At the next gathering, a festival was held in an attempt to boost spirits. Shortly afterwards, Pebblepaw disappeared. Cloudheart was a part of the patrols that searched for his former apprentice. A badger was all that was encountered and it was successfully driven off. No answers were found about Pebblepaw's disappearance. At the next gathering, tensions rose. One of MountainClan's apprentices had been killed and he wasn't fond of the idea of ForestClan scent being near their borders as they searched for Pebblepaw. The gathering ended soon. Then, sickness swept the clans. Cloudheart didn't get too badly sick, but some of his family members did. Snowywhisker's life was claimed... and she pleaded with him to open his heart up to those around him once more before she died. No matter how badly it hurt... Cloudheart decided to follow his sister's wishes.

  • Cloud received his prefix for his cloud-esque pelt and his suffix for his fiery heart.

  • I've had Cloud's original concept since 2012! He started out in random RPs, then manifested into Forest-of-whispers. When life got shitty and I lost my muse, I left the group (I've since rejoined, I adore it.) He was eventually moved to Goldbloods, but I joined Horizon Remains and thought the group would be a better fit for him. After I ended up leaving Horizon Remains he came to The Ruins.

  • He was a leader in one of the aforementioned RPGs (Forest-of-whispers.) I alllllmost made him a leader of T-R too, but decided to let sleeping dogs lie xD

PARENTS: Condorfeather (NPC; Deceased) X Rainscent


- Half: Prairiemouse, Amberpool, Snowywhisker (deceased), Frigidpool (NPC) and Blackpaw (NPC; deceased)

- Full: Ashenstreak, Flowerdancer, Boneblaze



MATE: none




[ Sibling ]

"Stay the fuck away from me." 

"I have no idea what you're getting at, pretending to care. It's a little late for that, don't you think?"

"We've never been able to play nice... but I'm going to try my best to tolerate you."

- Cloudheart's relationship with Boneblaze is terse at the absolute best. The tension between the two toms could be likened to that of an impending thunderstorm. Cloudheart loves his brother, but they've always butt heads, especially after Blackpaw's death. He wants to honor Snowywhisker's wishes though.


[ Sibling; Neutral ]

"I'm... I'm sorry... I miss you." 

"Can we try again? Please?"

- Cloudheart's relationship with Flowerdancer can only be described as neutral. He loves and misses her. As per Snowywhisker's wishes, he hopes to reform his relationship with her.


[ Sibling; Neutral ]

"I'm... I'm sorry... I miss you." 

"Leave me alone."

"Can we try again? Please?"

- Cloudheart's relationship with Ashenstreak can only be described as neutral. Ashenstreak's attempts at getting closer were constantly thwarted, but as per Snowywhisker's wishes he's willing to try and recreate the bond.


[ Siblings; Neutral ]

"I worry for the both of you... especially you, Prairiemouse." 

"I... I guess I should've known that you felt that way."

"I know you probably hate me still. You meant what you said, to a degree, I'm sure. But... can we try to be at least a little normal again? I miss hearing your laugh."

- Now that Prairiemouse is a Captain, he feels it's only a matter of time before something bad happens. He still adores her, even if he doesn't say it. Their falling out, with Prairiemouse confessing blame against him, has further widened the rift between them. She claimed she didn't mean it, but she couldn't take it back. Now he wishes to rekindle his bond with her, even if he knows how she really feels about him.


[ Teammate; ex fling partner; Friend ]

"She and Juniperbreeze are the only cats I really care about... but don't get any bright ideas. Sometimes I wonder what might have transpired between the two of us... for she made me feel like nobody else could. Ah. But it ended before it could ever start. It's best that way."

"Please... please don't leave me..."

- Cloudheart feels a sense of duty to Mistshimmer, since they are on the same team. She and Juniperbreeze are the only cats he really cares about... or claims to care about, at least. His relationship with Mistshimmer is slightly tense for him, considering their past together as friends with benefits before Blackpaw's death. Many nights he misses her company- and not just for the enjoyment of a fling either. He's terrified of losing her to the sickness.


[ Teammate; Acquaintance ]

"You and Mistshimmer are the only cats I really care about."

"This is going to end badly, Juni. I don't know how I know. I just... know."

"You've always been there for me. I hope I can be a better friend to you."

- Cloudheart feels a sense of duty to Juniperbreeze, since they were on the same team. While he grew secretly fond of her during this time, he knows that it wasn't the most healthy of friendships either due to how closed off he was. He hopes to fix that now.


[ Neutral ]

"I'm sorry. You're a kittypet and you shouldn't be here, but... seeing that look in your eyes... it reminds me of myself."

"For the last time... leave. me. alone."

"I can see your pain. But I also know there's nothing I can do about it, even if I wanted to."

- Cloudheart despises Sneezepaw as he does all outside born cats... yet, he sees some of himself in her. He feels guilty for his harshness towards her, but he won't take it back. Her underhanded attempts at winning him over are met with extreme annoyance.


[ Past Flame ]

"I don't know what you're trying to accomplish... but you'll be better off if you just drop it."

"You were enjoyable to be around, even outside of... things. I can't give you anything more, but perhaps we can try being friends."

- Cloudheart has noticed Willowblush's continued affectionate behavior towards him. They were a flame that had long since been put out... and he hopes that she doesn't have any bright ideas about trying to rekindle it. 


[ Step-father ]

"I've been terrible to you. I'm sorry."

- Cloudheart feels horrible about how much he rejected Leafshine. His stepfather might as well be his true father... He hopes that he can fix the bond that he has broken... even if he doesn't deserve it.


[ Sister ]

"I will never stop blaming myself for what happened... but I hope you have."

- Of all of his siblings, Cloudheart feels the most disconnect from Amberpool. She was there when it happened. She was hurt, because it happened. Regardless, he hopes to mend what he's broken.