


5 years, 7 months ago


Kornelious Aira Askat Von Me’atra De Garnuvoy

Doreign devil/Gold dragon


Kornelious is a very organized and business oriented man. He strives to always show a high amount of professionalism as well as to keep rational and calm under any situation.
However, he does have a trickster side to him, even though he rarely shows it. If people get on his nerve enough, or he finds himself in the wrong company, this side tends to take over.


  • Ethuy, his wife
  • People
  • Organized things


  • Feeling powerless
  • Contract breakers
  • Slavery


Blood Color: Golden

  • TBA


  • TBA

Magical Powers

  • Can shapeshift between three forms, doreign devil, Gold dragon and a mixture
  • Can take people's soul if they break a contract with him
  • Can turn anything he touches into solid gold

Physical Powers

  • Cannot die unless he himself wishes to
  • Heals incredibly fast duo to his blood

Kornelious was born into a very wealthy, and rather dysfunctional household. His father may have founded the, at that time, wealthiest casino, but he was very childish and didn't understand others feelings nor did he care. His mother, on the other hand, was very socially aware, and seen as his father cared little for him she was the one to raise him of the two. She laid a lot of expectations on him and teached him to always respect others and care for their wellbeing.
Though his mother took up most of his time with training, he still found time to hang out with the various other versai, especially Lutesio, Hkt and Hibiki, as these three would often come to visit him themselves, and interrupt his work or lessons. These distractions were often welcomed for him, as he could take a break from serious business and instead be a kid and play around with the others.
From very young he knew he wanted to accomplish something big, something to meet his mothers expectations and overgo his fathers achivements. However, what he sought wasn't materialistic, and thus he started at an early age to travel around the world and befriend many different people and societies, using his status as a versai and his power to turn anything into gold to win their favor. As he won more and more people's favor, some came to him to seek shelter or help. This in turn prompted Kor to start a business, a place for these people to work in order to earn a living as he realized that would be an excellent oppertunity to push his image even more towards the favorable.
Over many years he grew this business and expanded it, gathering more and more people around him, and it wasn't that long before he could say that what he had already accomplished would surely surpass that of his father. However, before he could really prove this to any of his parents, his father disappeared and his mother soon after passed away. Following his parents' deaths, all the other versai's parents died as well, however as in contrast to his own parents who disappeared and died peacefully, the others' parents were brutally murdered. This event set Kor's own plans back, as he felt obligated to help his fellow versais cope with this change. Thus, he left his business alone, counting on others to keep it going while he spent as much time as needed to damage control and help those who hadn't been quite ready yet to take over every responsebility that came with being a versai. Seen as his mother had made sure to teach him not just his own responsebilities, but every other versai's as well, he was well equipped to help the others handle and figure out their own responsebilities, as well as overcome the sorrow of murdered parents.
As he finally returned to his own business he did so with even bigger ambitions than before. Still keeping an eye on the others, he began expanding his business and land at rapid speeds. It wasn't long until he was known across most of the world and he was bringing living conditions to many different people, surpassing the lengths of his fathers accomplishments by far. Though in contrast to his father, he wasn't rich in materials, but in people, souls. And as his wealth in people grew, so did his ambitions for their life conditions and thus his popularity amongst people.
It was in this stably growing time that he was bestowed with a blessing, a blessing he'd come to treasure for all of his life. A deity of purity came to him, having observed his efforts to help all people regardless of species, status, beliefs or anything else to live lives with happiness and satisfaction. Imrpessed with his efforts and moved by his dedication to keep people around by kindness and wellbeing instead of fear and bloodshed, she offered him to bestow him with a blessing, a blessing like no other. A blessing, which would make him immortal and unkillable, only able to die should he want to do so himself. To give him a heart of what was and still is known as "pure gold", the thoughest material that would come to be known in this world. She'd give him this, on one condition; to never stray from treating people like equals and giving them the best conditions he could. Should he fail, then she'd find him and take back her blessing, seeing to end him herself. Seeing the potential in the heart, and most of all a blessing of a deity, he agreed. To him, her condition posed no problem, as should he ever stray from his ideal, he'd wish to perish before he could do much damage anyhow.
It wasn't long after recieving the deity's blessing that he'd come to meet a man named Ethuy, an aspiring fashion designer and demon of beauty. Ethuy came to him in need of a job and a wish to be able to unfold his creativity. Kor quickly found how kind hearted, genuine and selfless Ethuy was and took a liking to him. Over the next years, he made an effort to get to know him, which Ethuy seemed more than happy about. As the two of them had grown to be good friends, Ethuy proposed to make a pact usual of demonds with him. Ethuy would listen to his command and use his powers in order to aid Kor, in exchange for Kor to unlock Ethuy's power's potential, something which would come automatically with the pact and not require Kor to really do anything. At that point, Kor had been offered this from many demons, and though he loved the idea of "owning" one, he had declined each of them. However, with Ethuy it was something else, there was something he desired to own about Ethuy which he did with no one else, and so, he agreed. He however felt it wouldn't be quite fair for Ethuy, and so offered him a favor, a favor which Ethuy used to become his personal servant, something which came as a surprise to him. It wasn't exactly what most people asked for.
In the following years Ethuy and him grew closer, he expanded his business further, and held an eye closer and closer to the other versai as most of them proved to be doing... Questionable things. Especially two of his closest childhood friends, Hkt and Lu, were going downhill in his eyes. They had done so ever since everyones parents died, but it became more and more clear that the two struggled with the responsebilities they had and of course he wished to help them. Neither of them were very receptible to help though and so he decided to just watch and be there should they come to him. After all, he had his own things to do, and helping someone who didn't want to be helped was an uphill battle. Thus, he simply kept an eye on them and the others, laying his main focus on his business and helping people live fullfilling lives.
The next many, many years were not exactly eventful for Kor, things went as they always had. That was until one fateful evening where he found Ethuy missing and a note left in his else impossible to enter room. A note which told him to meet someone in a place long abandonned and drained of life. Worried for Ethuy he went there, and what he found there was someone who not only had Ethuy, but also knew exactly how to counter all and every of Kor's powers in order to keep the upper hand. At first he tried to reason with them, to find a peaceful solution, but he quickly had to realize that this person did not want that - they wanted to hurt him, as much as they could, for a reason which he found hard to udnerstand. They were fully convinced that he did not deserve Ethuy and unknowingly hurt him, and thus, he didn't deserve Ethuy, happiness, or anything else. The exchange went on for a longer time, Kornelious kept on trying to get the person to let go of Ethuy and the person kept on tormenting the poor demon with each answer that Kor gave which they didn't like. Right until they finally tore Ethuy's heart out and threw him at Kor, releasing Kor from the boundaries they had set. After frantically having tried to heal Ethuy to no avail, Kor stood between what had been the toughest decision of his life. He realized that living without Ethuy wasn't something he wanted, but in order to keep Ethuy alive, he'd have to give up his own heart, something that would most likely end in his own death. Ultimately he choose Ethuy, managing to dig into his chest and get his heart out before placing it into Ethuy's chest, hoping that the blessing which he had so long ago recieved would bond with Ethuy as well. And to his surprise, it did. With a borrowed power he managed to teleport Ethuy back home before he collapsed onto the ground himself.
For reasons Kor still can't explain, he found himself waking sore and tired on top of Ethuy, missing something in his chest which now rested inside Ethuy. At first, this change was no less than an immense challenge. He could suddenly feel his heart react to Ethuy and with it, emotions Ethuy felt as well. That also meant that the heart had to support two people now, and that wasn't exactly something it was meant to. Whenever one of them would get excited, scared or anything else that would raise the hearts heartrating, they would both start to feel nauseasous, and Ethuys could even fall uncoucnious as his body was not used to it at all. Slowly, however, they learned how to deal with it and get their bodies used to it. And with this bodily change to their lives, another came too, an emotional change. With the decision, it had become quite clear for Kor how much Ethuy meant to him, everything. Something Kor would not, for anything in the world, ever give up or share. Ethuy was his, and he'd make sure it stayed like that. To his luck, Ethuy felt the exact same, for much longer than he had felt so, as the mysterious person had forcibly revealed and, funnily enough, opened conversation for. With that, they went into a purely romantic relationship.
For Ethuy, a purely romantic relationship wasn't exactly... Enough, as Kor would come to learn. Though Kor had no trouble with pleasing Ethuy if he wished, he wasn't fond of the idea of having sex, seen as Ethuy was male. It simply didn't do anything for him. This changed though, as Ethuy one day decided that if Kor wouldn't be attracted by a male body, Ethuy might as well use his powers of being a demon of beauty to change his biological sex to female, and so he did, as did he change his pronouns to match. A change which certainly improved the sexual aspect of their relationship, but a change which also came with a whole lot of problems of its own. Up until that change, Kor had tried to keep their relationship undercover in order to protect Ethuy from further harm with pretty good success. With that change, that suddenly became a lot harder. People had until that point accepted that their relationship was purely that of a demon and their master, as it had been for long, but with Kor being knowingly only attracted to women and something fishy going on between the two lately, people weren't quite as convinced anymore. A change which Kor despised.
It was a change that was even harder for Kor to get used to than sharing his heart with Ethuy, as Ethuy now pulled every string that fueled his possessiveness. He didn't want the public to know. He didn't want anyone to hurt Ethuy, touch her or even look at her. He wanted her for himself and no one else. But he didn't want to restrain Ethuy either. After all, a life in a golden cage wasn't a life he'd wish upon her. And She agreed with that. She wanted the world to know, more specifically to know that she was his and he was hers, something that she took immense pride in by now. It took a lot for him to accept that, though seeing Ethuy happier than she had ever been, it was something he was willing to push towards. And once he came fairly to terms with it, he proposed a marriage to Ethuy, something she had wanted for long which he had always declined out of the fear of her safety and his want to keep what they had private.
With their relationship known world-wide, a struggle to keep his own desires at bay for Ethuy's freedom and happiness and a whole lot of new people who wished to harm Ethuy or saw oppertunity to harm him in her with the new development, Kor began a lenghty process of securing Ethuy and his own's safety. An effort which Ethuy made sure he knew that she appreciated beyond belief.
The following years went with Kor spending even more time with Ethuy, as much as he possibly could in fact, without neglecting his work.
In recent years, another change has arrived to his life. Not a big one for himself, but for the world as a whole. It came to his attention that Lutesio came in contact with another world, and soon after other people began to do so as well. Though he had a burning interest in doing so as well, it wasn't in his best interest at first. Though with the appearance of a group of concubis, most notably one by the name of Tanas, that changed. Proving to be quite the interesting character with lots of oppertunities for business and a network alike his own, it didn't take a lot for the two to become friends. Though Tanas has a habit to consantly point out how lovely his wife Ethuy is, trying to provoke him and pulling forth Kor's more trickster like side, he is a welcomed change of pace to his life. It certainly has made it more interesting, and Ethuy likes him a lot too, so unless Tanas tries to do anything Kor doesn't like to Ethuy, then it will most likely be a long lasting friendship.





Ethuy is Kornelious' most priced possession, a treasure he'd never part with no matter the cost. He'd do anything to assure Ethuy's happiness and safety and luckily for him, it's relatively easy to do both. Especially her happiness, as she's happy whenever she can make him smile or is with him. Her safety is something else however, as her position attracts all kinds of people who wish to harm Kornelious through her.
Kor spends as much time as possible with her, ideally not spending a moment apart, though that isn't quite possible with them both being busy. Even so, should Ethuy request his time he will almost unconditionally give it to her. The same goes for any other form of request she makes, be it for material goods, vacations, romantic gestures or anything else she may think of, though she uses this extremely rarely.
He wouldn't go a day without her, and would most certainly decide to die with her, should that dreaded day arrive.

On top of that, Kornelious' heart beats inside her chest, a heart which makes the two able to feel each others emotions and bodily states, such as harm or excitement. Because of this, the two are always aware of each other, and he makes a big effort to minimize strains on her which could be avoided.



Business partner and good friend

A fairly new aqquantance and business partner, though already someone who has grown on him. Tanas reminds him a lot of his younger days where he had a much stronger urge to party and do mischief, both of which the two have alraedy done. Honestly, Tanas pulls forth some of the more inconvenient sides of him, but it's a welcomed change from his else tidy lifestyle by now. Besides, Tanas has proven to be a wonderful window into this new world that has come forth recently, and thus he values his company a lot. Should need be, he'd be able to get connections through Tanas after all.



Childhood friend/Like a sister

Hibiki has always been there whenever Kor needed a rant partner, advice, or emotional support. She's always bubbly and lively and more than happy to help him in whatever way he needs. He's come to value her a lot throughout his life even though he's rarely really needed her help. But he appreciates the gesture and oppeness none the less.
He has of course offered the same for her, though like him, she has rarely needed it. Instead the two often meet to catch up, share gossip and just unwind in each others presense. He's also happy for her enthusiasm for his relationship with Ethuy, even though she can get a bit too enthusiastic about it.



Old friend and fellow versai

A childhood friend which he'd love to help, but finds very distant. THough the distance has gotten smaller ever since Lu found his loved one Mavis, it's still there, and it bugs him. Especially as Lu honestly doesn't seem to be doing his job or for that matter anything productive at all, aside from seemingly opening a gate of communication with another world not too long ago.
Even so, he'll always be open to help Lu should he ever need it, and he will always keep an eye with him and get updates from time to time from Mavis on how it's going. Mavis is, after all, a lot more open for conversation.



Old friend and fellow versai

A big case of "please just let me help you". Kor has watched Hkt crawl into a ball of obsession around Lutesio and just. Not. Get. Out of it. Slowly but surely melting away whatever confidence and humanity nul had. He's observed Lu repeadetly threaten nuls life because nul tried to hurt Lu's loved ones and still, still Hkt doesn't listen to him even though nul comes to him for advice. It's frustrating to say the least.
But even with this frustration, Kor isn't about to give up on Hkt, especially not now, when Hkt may, or may not, be getting better by finding someone calling themselves Famine.





html by Goldbeauti