
5 years, 7 months ago



Name West
Age 18
Species Necrobie
Emotion Determination
Toy Type Cat
Gender Female
Height 4’10” ft
Orient. Aromantic Asexual
Occupation Chaotic Neutral “Witch”
Side Job Self-Taught Potions Master

  • 2 Eyes - Common
  • Black Sclera - Common
  • Slit Pupils - Common
  • Slime Insides (Witch Brew) - Common
  • Down Kitty - Uncommon
  • Plush Feet - Rare
  • Monster Hands - Ultra Rare

West has a very expressive and eccentric personality. Wherever she goes, she radiates a cartoonish and animated sort of energy, and she’s almost always projecting her voice loud and clear, all while carrying out a dramatic, flamboyant, and playfully wicked attitude.

On occasion, she can also be a bit of a mischievous trickster and takes delight in messing with people.

The only times she’s ever quiet, or just less loud, is whenever West is feeling exhausted to the bone, but even then she still might have more spunk than the average person.

Even though she’s an amazing actor and has a lot of potential to go into the entertainment industry for big bucks, West doesn’t think that she can handle all the responsibilities and pressure that come with fame, hence why she’s never really dreamed of starring in a drama, film, or whatever else. It’s a nice thought, but that’s about it. As much as she loves showing off and being the center of attention, she loves her rare moments of privacy even more.

She may be perfectly capable of being social and has no problem with public speaking and putting on a show, but she’s actually a big introvert and needs her breaks behind the scenes. She can’t always be super extra and excitable, she’s going to run out of fuel eventually and needs to recharge through sleep or her past time of brewing potions and studying the supernatural and occult, her favorite things to learn about.

Surprisingly enough, you wouldn’t be able to tell based off her appearance and the way that she carries herself, but West is a crooked business person at heart. She's quite manipulative, selfish, cruel, and lacks empathy at times.

West also gets super stubborn about something once she's set her mind to it and she almost never gives up. She's always determined to try and get something done if she thinks it needs to be done.


  • West is short for ‘the Wicked Witch of the West’, which is a title she’s well known by. Also, it’s quite fitting, considering how she owns and lives in the west side of the enchanted candy forest.
  • She has a very boisterous laugh and tends to cackle a lot.
  • Even if she, as a Necrobie, can’t wield magic or anything of the like, West is fascinated by all things relating to the supernatural. She just finds the topic way more interesting than the boredom that is reality and likes to spend her free time learning about that stuff.
  • She likes watching dramas and TV shows of all sorts on her days off. She’s absolute trash for some reality TV programs out there, even though she’s fully aware of how scripted everything is.
  • Even though she’s not an actual witch and possesses no real magical abilities, she thrives on the aesthetic of it and loves acting out the role of one whenever she has to do her job of ‘protecting’ local travelers from Hansel and Gretel. Also, her interest in making potions is real, so she figures that she’s as close enough to a witch as she can get.
  • She supposedly wields green flames against Hansel and Gretel when out in public, but in reality they’re actually just fancy and harmless stage tricks or illusions. She usually rubs this potion-like substance that she’s made on her paws. The substance can dry out quickly and temporarily give her the ability to make fake green fire. It’ll usually last her a good 24 hours.
  • Dorothy, her cuddle bug, is like her best friend. West loves coming home to her cottage, only to be greeted by Dorothy after a long day of either ‘fighting’ against Hansel and Gretel or collecting ingredients for future potion-related projects.
  • Even though she doesn’t look the part of a healer at all, she actually specializes in making healing potions and sells them in Shop Street every now and then. Healing potions aren’t the only thing that she can concoct, she can brew other types of potions as well, she just happens to be more well known for her healing ones. She makes a lot of money out of selling potions, it’s a great side gig.
  • She also sells candy and baked goodies alongside her potions. Though she sells candy, West - ironically enough - isn’t actually a sweet tooth. In fact, she only eats candy on very rare occasions and in very small amounts, she can’t handle a lot of sugar all at once and hates overly sugary desserts.

As a plush, during a stage in her life where she wasn’t a Necrobie yet but was still sentient of everything around her, West was manufactured and marketed as a witchy, Halloween-themed toy.

She was bought on Halloween’s Eve, the day right before Halloween, as a hasty, last minute gift for a child.

The child, whose name was Enrique Vasquez, was a very good actor, as West would later learn.

Enrique was an expert liar and was often a holder to many secrets. He had a lot of trust issues growing up, since he was often verbally - and sometimes physically - abused by his parents. He also had no friends in school and was a social outcast.

Since West had only been purchased for the sake of being some cheap birthday gift (his birthday was on the same day as Halloween) with no real meaning attached to her, Enrique didn’t really play with West all that much. He just kind of left her sitting there on his windowsill, allowing her to gather dust and watch him grow up as a distant witness.

As a result of his upbringings, Enrique became an expert liar who would put on all these entertaining personas and masks just to befriend people and not be alone anymore, which West found to be really sad.

One day, after Enrique had finally mustered up the courage to leave his household to go to a college far away, West was thrown into a dumpster by his parents, who were enraged by their son’s abrupt disappearance.

It was then, after being tossed away like nothing and being forced to lay there and fester in the stink and filth of the dumpster, did West finally awaken and take in the form of a Necrobie.

A Necrobie born out of determination.

After having been brought to life as a Necrobie, West decided to leave the dumpster and start anew.

She had been so inspired by Enrique’s leave for college, by his escape outside of his toxic household and his resolve to pave a new path for himself in life, that she just had to continue forward.

She was determined to.

Luckily for her, West didn’t receive any serious damages on her plush when she had been tossed out, so she could still clean up and function properly.

For a while, after ditching the dumpster and the area she had grown up in, West traveled far and wide to find her way to Shop Street, a place where a lot of Necrobies were supposedly living in.

Like her former owner Enrique, at this point in time, she was just determined to find a place to call home and fit in.

While drawing closer and closer to her destination, West encountered Hansel and Gretel being this close to eating a local Necrobie traveler one day in the enchanted candy forest, a landmark located near the outskirts of Shop Street.

Putting the acting skills that she learned from watching Enrique to use, West tried to scare Gretel and Hansel away by threatening them with ‘magic’. She figured that her witch-like appearance, the looks she’s always been born with since becoming a plush, should be enough to add onto her threatening presence.

In short, West was successfully able to help the Necrobie traveler go free while she distracted Gretel and Hansel.

West didn’t do what she did out of compassion. Rather, she only did it because she would hope that the Necrobie traveler that she helped out would feel more indebted to her for saving them, so indebted to the point where they might possibly supply West with a free meal and a place to stay at for a while.

Or at least, that’s what West was hoping.

And that’s exactly what happened, much to her relief.

However, this way of living wasn’t enough. She had to seek out something to do with her life, grasp onto some kind of stimulating purpose. West was determined to find something exciting that she can enjoy doing for all her days.

One morning, while unsuccessfully trying to seek out a job that she’d like doing for the umpteenth time, she met up with Hansel and Gretel again near the outskirts of Shop Street.

Hansel and Gretel weren’t there to retaliate or attack West.

Instead, they came to talk to her, or at least Hansel - being the more logical twin - did.

While the Hansel and Gretel twins were supposed to be West’s enemies, and they sure do act like they are whenever all three of them encounter each other in public, West will actually start to be their secret business partner from now on.

Here’s the deal that they came up with so far during Hansel’s talk with West on that one fated morning: if West acts out the role of a powerful force to be reckoned with, and gets hired to escort local Necrobies through the candy forest unharmed because of that, she’ll give Hansel and Gretel 15% of all her earnings from her occupation as a ‘tourist guard’. In return, Hansel and Gretel will secretly allow her to own the entire west side of the enchanted candy forest and do whatever she wants with it.

They’ll also leave West alone and won’t eat her, for she’s too important for them to eliminate now. She‘s now their biggest money source, it’d be foolish of them to kill her.

And lastly, they’ll go out to fetch her any potion-related ingredients that she requires outside of her western territory if she wants them to. Because again, 15% of her earnings is more than enough to help Hansel and Gretel get by outside of the forest if they wanted to go out.

So, in actuality, West now has a pretty stable and professional business relationship with Hansel and Gretel, and unless she gets hired to pretend to fight them (though everyone that hires her to accompany them through the enchanted candy forest for protection doesn’t know that it’s all pretend), she’ll usually turn a blind eye to their bloody affairs too.

Unless she’s getting paid to, West doesn’t really care that the twins are cannibalistic predators or whatever else, it doesn’t really matter to her, so long as they’re not hurting anyone she cares about, such as her cuddle bug Dorothy, or her.

Currently, West is living out a pretty hectic life, with being the ‘Wicked Witch of the West’, the ‘Protector against Hansel and Gretel’, and as a skilled, self-taught potions master who makes good money off selling healing potions at Shop Street every now and again.

West also has a big candy garden in her backyard, where she’ll harvest the biggest and most sweetest candy canes, lollipops, and everything else that you can possibly name. Her candies and baked goodies are known to be more delicious than most of the sweets within the forest, so she also makes a lot of profit selling those too.


  • being the center of attention
  • any compliments and praise
  • films, dramas, theatre, and just any forms of acting overall
  • baking (it eventually grew on her and became a relaxing activity)
  • brewing potions in her cauldron
  • learning more about the supernatural, magic, and the occult
  • playfully messing with people, just to get an amusing reaction out of them
  • her cuddle bug Dorothy
  • getting money

  • whenever she gets hired to do a late night mission and has to stay up to ‘protect’ a passing traveler from Hansel and Gretel
  • cheap pay (she considers herself a pretty penny and will get offended if you try to tell her that she overcharges for her services)
  • violent rainstorms that can interfere would her candy harvest
  • being underestimated and looked down on
  • when Gretel is being too reckless and accidentally hurts her for real during a fight that’s supposed to be staged
  • being ignored
  • people who whine and/or cry too easily
  • people without a sense of humor (Hansel is a good example of this, but West has to tolerate him anyway)
  • getting no money and/or getting ripped off (which is way worse than cheap pay; if any traveler dares to scam her, she’ll cue the signal and just let them get eaten up and mauled by Hansel and Gretel)

Hansel "Enemy"

If West is being honest, she prefers Hansel’s company over Gretel's any day. At least with Hansel, she can hold a decent and intelligent conversation with, even if he can be a bit of a stiff grouch at times. Whenever she wants to talk about their business, she usually goes to Hansel for that.

Gretel "Enemy"

Gretel is West’s least favorite twin, but she’s usually the brawn behind Hansel’s plans, and without her none of their pretend fights would even exist in the first place, so West has to just accept her existence in her life. Well, at least Gretel finds her too useful to kill and won’t bother to eat her because of that.

Dorothy Pet

Dorothy is West’s precious Cuddle Bug. Ever since she had adopted Dorothy and got Dorothy made for her by the Pet Makers, which are Necrobies that can piece together some magic and crafts to bring Cuddle Bugs to life, West has always considered her a true friend. She pampers and treats Dorothy almost like royalty, or at least way better than anyone else that she knows so far.

Lorenzo Client

Lorenzo is West’s client. They’re strong business associates. He heavily relies on her for her healing potions (it used to be for him and now it’s for his Dainty companion Jasmine) and she gets lots of money from him in return. Other than that, he’s not really much of a conversationalist and they’re on neutral terms with each other overall.

Ryu Mutual

Ryu is a mutual that West sort of knows through Lorenzo. She recognizes him as Lorenzo’s cute yet naive turtle husband. In all honesty, she doesn’t understand how Lorenzo could love someone so dumb, she’s aware of the many times that Hansel and Gretel have come super close to eaten Ryu before she had to tell them to stop in order to not drive Lorenzo away from doing business with her. They’re neutral mutuals at best.

Jasmine Mutual

West knows Jasmine through Lorenzo. She acknowledges her as Lorenzo’s Dainty companion and is on neutral terms with her. She may not know Jasmine all that well, but she can sense something ominous about her. Because of this, West tries to be as friendly as possible around her.