


5 years, 3 months ago


Name Arkiel
Age 1,245
Build Tall, willowy and frail.
Species Angel
Gender Fluid.
Oreint. Unimportant
Pronouns They/He/She (rarely)
Occupation Prince in Perdition

Design Notes
  • Wings are constantly broken, always in the process of healing. 
  • Cracks form in the horns naturally, never the same. 
  • Halo glows very faintly when in the dark. 
  • Eyes resemble molten gold, or sunspots. 
Personality & Appearance 

Tall, but willowy, frail even. With a slightly slouched posture that makes them seem as though they are always on the edge of flinching. Skin like washed out sunsets, and eyes to match. Completely blind however, much like their mother. Perhaps moreso, accompanied for this reason always by some manner of cat or dog acting as a seeing eye animal. Oft broken horns or tattered wings are reminders of their father who has no shortness of ire for the perceived weakness of their fledgling. Despite the outwards blindness, Akriel sees things others are blind to. A perfect judge of the love or could-be love between Parents and Children, Akriel’s angelic powers are limited, but great. They reign more than anything over fertility, and may grant it to those truly deserving of the children they wish for, or else steal it from those they deem unworthy.

Despite their seemingly sorrowful demeanor, Akriel is for the most part hopeful, losing themselves in the rains of perdition in thoughtful hazes not unlike their father, but for entirely different reasons. Where as Lucifer’s thoughts often turn to melancholy, Akriel’s own turn to the future. Ever seeking of freedom and escape. For all the pain they go through, they never once become bitter, and as they grow older, do not hesitate to bite back when their parent dares snap because they’ve run into them for the sixth damn time that day. A habit that may not end well for them, but with their mother’s stubborn nature, is not something they ever cease either.

Light of step and slender fingered, Akriel looks just as gentle as they are, and despite their blindness, seem often to be looking this way or that in some vague consideration of surroundings they are entirely unaware of. With a face a balance of sharp and soft, white locks of hair struck through with shimmering gold are a testament to the fire they are fully capable of showing.

Not as pierced as their father, they do hold their mother’s fondness for jangling earrings, and have a deep appreciation for anything on the red to orange spectrum.

As far as sex, Akriel gives little mind to it, they are a blend of the masculine and the feminine from facial features to actual sex, and they’re fine to keep themselves that way.

  • Second child of Diniel and Lucifer, though that fact is often forgotten given how small and frail they appear. 
  • Is not actually small at all. Stands at 6'2", although they like to appear smaller. 
  • Despite being like porcelain they are prone to fits of anger that light up Perdition just as brilliantly as their Mother's. 
  • Has their Father's love of forming things of smoke and wandering the dimly lit paths of Perdition to think. 


  • Citrus. 
  • Bittersweet chocolates. 
  • Tea. 
  • Rain, thunder and lightning. 
  • Being treated as if they are worthless. 
  • Having their intelligence insulted. 
  • Those who pick on their siblings.
  • Lucifer when he is feeling wrathful. 
Diniel | Mother.

Mother. Loved. Received fiery temper and overwhelming need to protect from her. By far the favored parent, sees their Mother as the bright sun on the bleakness of Perdition, a shining symbol of hope and unending love. 

Locifer | Father.

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.