Grace Kelly



5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Grace Angelica Carver (Birth name Diamond Jackson)

Reason they were accepted into the talent program: Actress

Job: Actress, model, song and script writer.

What country are they from: Unknown, but located in America

Which School: Evergreen university (America)

Age: 20

Personality:  Grace is a well spoke, if not slightly odd, mildly perverted young lady. With the biggest smile on her face, she can easily make others trust her. Having a love for puns and pranks; she can sometimes be a pain to be around as she'll constantly joke about the most random things. She also has a light of insight in smaller things; and knowledge about whatever she might of had to talk about in films. Due to her physical disability, Grace often has to rely on others to get around, and leans on them for support most of the time. Because her lighter than life nature; it is hard to tell that she feels rather hollow on the inside; struggling on how to best communicate her own inner feelings. Asking for her can come off as rather fake, and not natural for her in any shape or form.  

History/Past: Grace's early childhood for the most part was a complete blur to her. The only distinctive memory she can recall his her father hitting her mother, and her hitting the ground before her father went to grab her. After that she was given to the Spring Crocus Orphanage. She had no feet; though it was never confirmed to her or anyone else how this happened. Being put into a wheelchair, she was barely able to get around the clearly not wheelchair friendly facility. One of the workers always helped her, though; Lucias Carver. Always carrying her around, making sure she can get to the lunch table and the like; he was like a father to her, and she soon referred to him as such. She had also made a friend in a young boy called Quinn; someone who was mostly at her side. They would play pranks on others and sometimes get in trouble. One of the staff members got tired of her antics, though, and took her wheelchair after slapping her in the face.

Crying the entirety of the next day, she was sure she heard someone being screamed at. Whatever happened, Lucias came in with little metal shoes, and a cane. Putting the 'shoes' on, they were clearly poorly made prosthetics. Helping her up, even with the aid of a cane, Grace kept falling down, so he carried her. He carried her out of the building, even, and into a home she's never seen before. It was very under furnished and never looked lived in. He admitted he's never had a home before, but after seeing how people too care of Grace, he wanted to take her in and has adopted her. Her new name was Grace Carver; which she instantly loved and took too, though she was slightly emotionally withdrawn.

Knowing taking her to therapy would be a bad idea, he enrolled her in acting classes in hopes that would do something. It soon woke her up out of her slump, loving every moment of it. While at the classes, she spotted one of the kids she knew- Quinn, now known as Alexander. Excitedly, they got to talking, and she found out he was also taken in by another worker. She swore from that day they were the 'Spring Team', which he found a little funny. He suggested something more to do with the shared swirl scar the pair got but she rejected it. He started to call him her Crocus, and he called her his Cinnamon.

She was enrolled in a religious school, and hated it. Though not super strict, it definitely did cause her to be more sneaky and rebellious. Lying became natural, and she was able to get away with a lot playing up the innocent act.  A teacher noticed this, and instead of getting her in trouble, got her an audiations for a big play in the local area. She excelled, and her father pulled some strings to get her more gigs. It didn't take long until everyone knew the name Grace Carver. Her dad was worried, for unknown reasons, but she brushed it off, taking to her new found fame.

When she's 15, things took an odd turn. She started to act in only horror/psychologic thrillers. She put her all into the roles, and slowly started to loose herself in the process. Outside of her work, she'd act kinda creepy, overly perverted and did everything she could to get a reaction. Alex started to spend more time with her, and they started to date- it seemed he wanted to help her. In the night she would cry, and he would hold her close, both becoming attached to the feeling, and one another. Though her father started to be more honest with their pasts; the Spring Crocus is a human trafficking ring. This seemed to- change Alex a little, getting more distance from Lucias. Yet their relationship only bloomed, growing closer and closer each day

When her father adopted a new girl, Grace at first tried to creep out the girl. Grace was of course jealous of the then 6 year old; who was blind and burnt over most of her body. The girl thought was sweet, always laughing and calling Grace funny when she tried to scare her. It doesn't take long to melt her heart, and she became insanely protective over her sister; even butting heads with her father over her sister's care at times. Yet her grip on reality was slipping; kicking and hitting in her sleep which would often lead to Alex getting hurt over and over. Ever bruise he tried to cover, and told her it wasn't her fault though his light was dimming, and Grace didn't know how to help.

Alex, when she was 18 and about to go to evergreen university, went missing. No one could locate him, and she was so worried until she saw a news story; "Grace's dark secret- her father is a human trafficker". Heart broken and confused, she became more like the characters she plays while doing a lot of damage control. The only one who was her rock was 'Papa Zack', who she later moved in with. Distancing herself from anyone she was once close with, she became very close off, and vengeful, sometimes slashing his picture just to feel. . .Something, anything. She hated him. She hates him.


- Strawberry jam
- Lavender
- Sparkling water
- Classical music
- Black and white films
- Techo music


- Loud noises
- Country music
- Taxi drivers
- Salads
- Boxes
- Sunday school

Gender: Female

Height/Weight: 5'5, 8 stone 11

Additional Info:
- Needs a cane to get around
- Drinks, smokes and other things to feel something real
- She sometimes has moments of clarity but they're rare
- She wants revenge, and that's become a part of her.

Killer/Victim/Survivor: Survivor

Roleplay Sample: "And then she crept up on her pray-" she started, before wrapping her arms around her little sister, "And gobbled her up! Nom nom nom!"