Elliott North



4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Elliott North

Job: Part-Timer

Age: 22

Personality: Elliott, compared to the average person, is pretty weak emotionally and physically. He can be described as forgetful, poorly time managed, and tired almost all the time. Working two jobs, one in the day and afternoon and the other all night- he rarely has breaks for himself. He sometimes forgets to take care of himself, and has tended to get sick from it. But- despite that, he's a really sweet guy with big dreams. While not the best in small talk, he's very poetic and artistic, as well as clever. He's good at morphing his negative emotions into pieces of work. He doesn't consider himself much of anything interesting however- saying "he's in the same category as a worm." At the bottom of the food chain. Yet he would rather be another notch on the wood than the top dog, almost priding himself in his own work.

History: When it comes to childhood, Eliot's is pretty simple. Growing up with both his parents and two younger sisters, both being 14 and 8 respectively, his household was always pretty loud, whether it be the TV, his siblings, ext. He'd try everything to escape the noise- but the thing that worked most for him was music. Often wearing headphones, his mind was always at peace when he was listening to his favorite songs. Eventually, he started to try and make his own music. It was his way of expressing himself, and it was pretty effective for him. He'd pour all of his freetime into playing with notes and themes. Inside, he wanted music to be a fulltime career- but his parents didn't see music as a career. They saw it as merely a hobby, and they wanted him to keep it that way. When he moved out though, he had a bit more freedom. While taking a part-time job in the day to appease his parents, he also secretly took another job as a DJ in the night to appease his own fantasies. He loved it- even if he didn't get much recognition, ..it made him happy.


- Celebrities

- Energy Drinks

- Neon Lights

- Airplanes

- Bugs


- Bodies of Water

- Sinking

- Sleeping

- Being Stared At

- Birds/Ducks

Gender: Male

Height/Weight: 5'6 - 9 stone 1

Additional Info: To explain his disliking of birds/ducks- a goose attacked him once while he was alone in a park, leaving some pretty nasty wounds at the time.