
5 years, 4 months ago



  • big dogs
  • ciders
  • playing with kids
  • over-ear headphones
  • dark, floral fragrances


  • overly minimalist decorations
  • first-person shooters
  • circuses
  • frosting
  • spending money


  • his father converted to islam from sikhism, but never cut his hair, and bast always admired it
  • doesn't know how to swim
  • lost his virginity at 15
  • grew up primarily in montana
  • had a secret MCR phase and wanted to start his own band
ETHNICITY indian/arab
AGE 21
HEIGHT 5'11"
ALIGNMENT neutral good
GENDER questioning
ZODIAC taurus
FAV FOOD marzipan

An ex-underground fighter. After getting beat close to death post-fight, he was found and taken in by a kind, older witch - Zinnia's grandmother. In exchange for room and board, he helped her around the house and cared for her. He's now on the path of healing and self-love.



At heart, he's a kind, considerate, empathetic person. Deeply sensitive to the emotions of those around him, he tends to reflect whatever they're feeling. In everyday life, he tries to come off as approachable and goes out of his way to offer help to those who need it; in tense or dangerous situations, he remains guarded and acts with a cocky confidence he doesn't necessarily feel.


Bast was born into a loving family and had a sister two years younger than him. Tragically, both his parents and his sister were killed in a car crash when he was 9 - he was the sole survivor, and miraculously came out of the ordeal with only a couple broken bones. With no family in the country able to raise him, he was put into foster care, where he suffered greatly, primarily because of his race and religion. He lost faith in Allah in his teens because of this, and ended up involved in petty crime during high school.

After graduation he started competing in an underground fighting ring, and was able to scrape enough money together from that to briefly sustain himself. Eventually he met Samuel, the boss of a syndicate he had never heard of, who immediately took an interest in him - both in a sexual and business sense. Samuel gave him fighting lessons and secretly sponsored him, guiding him to became a top fighter. Not long after he had secured his position there, Bast broke off their relationship. After that, he began to be approached by other organizations - some wanted him to win or throw fights, some wanted to hire him as muscle, and still others offered more lucrative, more nefarious job opportunities. Bast refused to cooperate with such requests, and one night he paid the price.

He was found by Zinnia's grandmother beaten half to death, and she took it upon herself to nurse him back to health and help him get back on his feet. In exchange for room and board, he helped her with household chores and a little manual labour, the only condition being that he not go back to his previous life. He spent the next year living with her, healing and growing, and has recently just begun to reconnect with his faith.

ZINNIA lover

After Zinnia's grandmother died and she came home, they ended up living together in the old house, helping each other with their trauma. They grew attached very quickly, falling headfirst into an intense, supremely close relationship.

BELLA lover

When Bella comes to stay and help Zinnia after her grandmother's death, she and Bast inevitably become entangled with their same deep affection for Zinnia and growing attraction to each other. Though they aren't as open with each other as they are with Zinnia, their side of the polyamorous triangle has developed more slowly, naturally, and healthily.

SAMUEL exes/enemies

Samuel taught him how to fight properly, sponsored him in secret, and they fooled around on many occasions. Bast harbours a deep mistrust of him because of this history - for good reason.