


5 years, 3 months ago


(dyin' in the club right now)

  1. His draconic side waxes and wanes with the sun.
  2. Fiercely loyal to Arthur and the concept of chivalry, but will jump through loopholes unless Arthur is involved.
  3.  Takes honor very seriously- one of the few things that can truly enrage him. 
  4. Very courteous but proud. 
  5. Thot but somehow gets away with it. 
  6. Loves his family So Much. Dotes on Guingalain. One of Arthur's #1 fans. 
  7. Scottish Prince & Arthur's nephew.
  8. As one of the last pureblood dragons, he was raised to be Arthur's rival but chooses to swear fealty to him instead.
  9. Can heal minor wounds & illnesses. 
  10. Not very skilled with spears. 
  11. Main trait is talking trash. Always talking trash. King of talking trash. 
  12. Wields Galatine, the sister sword to Excalibur and also given to him by the Lady. It can bring a person's inner darkness to light.
-- Gauwain tends to tease those he's close to, and can occasionally go too far for the sake of amusement at others' expense. He strives to remain calm at all times and to act as a sort of 'role model' for others. While he can be easily coaxed into speaking at length, he typically avoids speaking about himself and prefers pretty much any other topic. Which is a strange but usually effective way to handle his arrogance. Because Gauwain is incredibly vain and arrogant but also very aware of this fact. Usually. With good looks, money, Arthur's favor, and obscene levels of power- He really can't help it. The knight is actually a short-tempered, hot-blooded, impulsive airhead who is always ready to Throw Down. Fight him. He dares you. He has a particular fondness for violence, combat, and challenges in general- always looking for someone or something that he won't have to utilize handicaps with. It's almost impressive how well Gauwain can typically suppress and control his more base urges. Unfortunately this is also a source of pride for him. And yet even with all of his internal warring with himself- he truly is a compassionate individual and he wants to be a good person, a hero in character and not just in deed. He wants to be able to do and say the right thing but tends to fall short of that. Because he's an airhead. The true reason he rarely speaks can be blamed on the fact that his brain-to-mouth filter regularly malfunctions. If he isn't careful, all attempted compliments would emerge as vague insults.