


5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


$450+ in art, a $300 plushie, a $525 kigu, $5000 fursuit +more. I have stopped counting


Johann is a Caprigon King, her element is that of time and space. She has 4 colorations that change with the seasons. 

She is intense and likes to know other's business. Even when she's playful and friendly she comes off as if she's secretly thinking of arson. She lives amongst humans directly, specifically Japan She's very into Japanese culture. Most of her time is spent playing video games, snacking, buying things, reading manga, etc. She doesn't need to work to afford this lifestyle, as she talked Sol into funding everything initially and ended up creating a few successful ventures that now keep her happy and well off (An amusement park, an herbal remedy shop, and multiple shopping districts that she rents to businesses). She can be very contradictory and nonsensical, she may give friends very expensive and large meals while eating cheap ramen as the same time.

She gave a house and land to Eros, who supplies her herbal shop with all manner of plants and tonics that she produces at home.

Her abilities include:

Stopping, starting, and rewinding time (She cannot send herself back in time, however she can send notes to her past self)

Instant teleportation of any non-living thing to wherever

Levitation of objects and others around her

Creating timelocks (A space where time does not flow, big or small. Large ones exist for limited time, and take a lot of effort. Smaller ones she can trap things in)

Blazing black flames that burn anything in their path.

Create portals/wormholes for living creatures to travel though

She does not answer prayers at all.