Alvin Cox



5 years, 3 months ago


Alvin Rachel Cox | male | python breeder |  big softie | athletic | Floridian

Alvin is a sensitive soul with a love for the smaller critters of the world. He makes his living breeding reptiles and arthropods, specializing in ball pythons and reticulated pythons. Many people find Alvin very intimidating due to just how huge he is, but he's a strict pacifist and a bit of a pushover. He would never hurt anyone or anything on purpose. Despite his mouth full of sharp teeth, Alvin is vegetarian.

Alvin places great value on body and mind. He takes very good care of himself and is rather spiritual. He's never afraid to chat with somebody, but doesn't bode well with conflict. He enjoys surfing, sunbathing and long cuddles with his snakes.

One of his parents is a manticore, but he only retained a couple of these traits, such as streaks of red-and-blue hair, chitinous plates and a scorpion stinger on his tail.