Bishop Wu



5 years, 3 months ago


The Soldier
Benjamin "Bishop" Wu

Age 30s
Pronouns he
Species Human, Chinese
Mix here
Aes here
Height 5'9"

Bishop is a demon hunter. He was raised as one by his mother, before turning 18 and getting turned loose on the world to do it alone. He’s pretty damn good at it. Bishop has worked alone for a long time, until a weird turn of events led to him taking Kero on as an assistant slash trainee slash younger sibling, and an even weirder turn of events led to the two of them taking in a busted up fallen angel with a price on its head. Bishop longs for the good old days when exorcisms and local police were all he had to worry about.


Bishop is pretty stoic. He comes off as gruff or grumpy, because his social skills are next to nil, having never really grown up with friends his own age. He's learned to embrace the isolation that he was forced into. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor, and tends towards seriousness in all things. He doesn't like to talk much.

However, Bishop is a genuinely kind person. He can be gentle, though he's awful at talking about feelings. He's not into demon hunting for the thrill, he's into it because it helps people, and it's the only skill he feels he has. He's a protector by nature, and although he doesn't stick his neck out much, if he's committed to something, he will see it through. It may take a while to earn his trust, but when you have it, you will have a friend willing to die for you for life.

Sacrifice and suffering are things he's used to. In a dark place, he kind of believes he deserves them, for all his mistakes, for never being good enough. He does not have particularly high self-esteem, but he tries not to let it get in the way. He's pretty repressed in all things, though, he's lived his whole life bottling up emotion and shoving it to the back of his mind.

  • Veteran: Bishop has been hunting demons since he was a kid. He has experience, and he's fucking good at what he does. After all, he's managed to stay alive with all his body parts so far. There isn't much that can surprise him anymore. He's smart and knows how to make a plan.
  • Constant Vigilance: Side effect of living the life of a demon slayer since childhood-- he is ALWAYS on the lookout, both for supernatural and mundane threats. It's incredibly hard to get the drop on Bishop.
  • Ass Kicker: Bishop is great at fighting. He's strong and skilled in hand-to-hand. He's also proficient with many weapons-- most firearms (he favors a double barrel shotgun), hunting knives, crossbows, axes/hatchets, and is good with improvised weapons as well. If he hasn't used something before, he'll pick it up quickly.
  • Achilles' Friends: Although, historically, he hasn't exactly been a bleeding heart, there are 3 people in the world for whom he would sacrifice anything: Kero, Wormwood, and his mother.
  • Mortal: Bishop has experience and expertise, but ultimately, he is completely human, and has no innate magic whatsoever.

  • Bishop is tallish and broad. He's strong, but doesn't look especially ripped. He's more solid than anything, like a sturdy log cabin. In the face, he frankly looks a bit like Humphrey Bogart. Sad eyes, heavy eyebrows, long nose, bulky sort of jaw/cheek/muzzle area, cleft chin. Tan/olive skin, dark brown (near black) hair. Body is haphazardly covered in pale scars from demon hunting mishaps.

  • Bishop doesn't often display emotion well in his face, tending to look impassive or even sad
  • Great posture

  • Tends to wear muted or dark colors: brown, green, red, blue
  • Clothing is simple and practical. Provides coverage and doesn't attract coverage. He always wears sturdy work boots. He kind of dresses like a grandpa, but a grandpa who used to ride motorcycles and now lives in the woods.
Junebug Wu

It's complicated. Bishop's mother loves her son. Bishop loves his mother, he does. But she's not an easy mother to love. Junebug is a hard woman, and she has a right to be so. But she never should have raised her son to be a demon hunter like she is.


Bishop sort of accidentally ends up with Kero. A forced teamup to survive a dangerous situation becomes an Arrangement because Bishop decides he has a responsibility to teach/protect Kero after exposing them to the existence of demons.

He begins to regret that decision almost immediately, because Kero is so much and so inexperienced and so feisty. But of course, he warms up to them and begins to treasure their presence in his life. They bring him out of his shell.

They're not that far apart in age, but Kero is vastly more plugged into society than Bishop, who hasn't really had the time to watch TV or figure out smartphones while he's been hunting demons his whole life.


Wormwood freaks Bishop out. Sure it has a human body but it definitely doesn't have a human mind. Demons at least are pretty good at replicating human emotions and reactions and thought patterns, but as the only angel Bishop has ever met, it is completely alien to him. He's unnerved by its contradictions, how it's so intelligent yet so uneducated, so powerful yet so fragile, so old yet so naive, so terrifying yet so endearing. But those contradictions also make it captivating.

He starts off kind of cold towards Wormwood, but as he warms up he realizes first how much he feels he needs to protect it, and then how much he feels he needs it, period.

code by jiko