Martine Fortier



5 years, 3 months ago



name: Martine Fortier
nickname: Marty
age: 31
pronouns: she/her
race: black
orientation: lesbian
height: 5'7"
occupation: sound at a music venue

Martine is a lesbian with a motorcycle. A dyke on a bike, if you will. Martine grew up with her lesbian grandmother, who gave her a pair of brass knuckles as a thirteenth birthday present. She’s tough as nails but very tender. She works as a bouncer and almost never loses at cards. She’s quiet and levelheaded, and doesn’t take unnecessary risks. Martine likes going fast and boxing.



  • Ass Kicker: Martine is built and a trained boxer; she is great at hand-to-hand combat. She goes into most fights expecting to win, and it's not hubris. That said, if she can tell she's not going to win a fight, she has zero qualms about backing down. What good is pride if you're in the hospital?
  • Ace Up Her Sleeve: Legitimate skill and near-uncanny good luck combine to make Martine an utterly fantastic gambler. Do not go up against her unless you are REALLY, REALLY confident.
  • Vehicle Proficiency: Martine's ride of choice is her motorcycle, but she really seems to be great at figuring out how to make any machine go fast./li>
  • Achilles' Friends: You can't get to Martine through money, or any threat to her person, but you can get to her through her closest friends/family (currently that circle consists of Anna, her mother, and her grandmother).

  • Martine's fursona is a Doberman

  • snakebite piercings
  • short, tightly curled hair

Martine isn't particularly tall or broad, but she is muscular and toned. Her eyes are almond shaped and brown. Her nails are always perfectly trimmed and manicured. She has high cheekbones and thick eyebrows, with a slash through the right one.

Martine wears a lot of red, black, and brown. Out and about, she favors skintight fits and genuine leather. Never seen without a big pair of boots, rarely seen without boxing wraps. Moto-style clothes. At home, she prioritizes comfort over all else; knitwear and neutrals.



Martine grew up in the City. Her mother Camille had her in her early 20s and her father passed away in a train accident. She was raised by her mother and her grandmother, Babette, a lesbian ex-motorcyclist who'd had Camille before coming out. Martine grew up teething on her grandmother's tattooed forearm while Camille worked long hours in the City train system. She was a quiet, withdrawn kid with few friends, but she liked it that way.

Teen Years





Jax Donovan friend/coworker


Anna Takahashi girlfriend

Anna is Martine's girlfriend!!! They are mega in love and probably would be married by now if either of them believed in marriage. They live together but have no pets because Anna wants a snake and Martine would do anything for love but she won't do that. They almost never fight; looking from the outside they definitely are... "that couple" that makes everyone else feel inadequate. Martine loves Anna's sweetness and her attitude equally. Anna was definitely the inciting party in the relationship; she saw Martine get off her motorcycle one time and went "I WILL be her femme." Martine loves to bask in Anna's over-the-top affection, and does her best to give as good as she gets. They have matching fursonas, which Martine did not ask for, but appreciates all the same.
